Chapter 12: Best Real friend

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" Oh yeah, with a terrible headache, " I replied

" Oh, that I'm sorry for, you should rest today "

" Yeah, I'll drink coffee and have some leftover soup, it'll go away hopefully"

" That sounds like a good idea, do you often drink alone "

"No, it's a first actually, that I don't intend to redo "

" I was in many firsts of yours, I hope –"

" Can I ask you who's this?"

" I'm the one whom you called a knight in dull armor "

" Oh, I don't recall what occurred yesterday; All I remember is having a few drinks and then waking up in my bed "

"I called to apologize if I caused you any disturbance or made you feel uncomfortable, I just thought that we were on the same page and acted on it, and apparently I was too much of an optimist, I didn't see it the way you did and I hope we'd be at least good friends, and if you feel that it's too much I can back down, I'll do anything that makes you happy "

These words made me freeze, stunned. I expected the moon to rise in the mornings and the stars to come down for us to touch. But he wasn't something that I could have on my mind.

It's Sam and I don't know how to deal with all he said, he seems more sincere, and more truthful than he ever was. But again Rose, he's a con, an actor, and this time I decided not to fight but to take the wave and go with the flow.

" Samuel, I am sorry for my attitude yesterday, it was too much for me to handle, and I lost my temper. I hope we act as adults and with all due respect I'd want us to remain a boss and an intern, anything more than that would be too much for me. "

"I won't oppose that, but do you feel nothing for me, can't you feel the power of what we have "

" Mr. Rogers –"

"It's alright I understand, have a good day" he interrupted me and ended the call.

I felt the last thing he said, seemed cold but I could sense how broken he felt. Like a piece of ice that gets shattered into a million tiny pieces and melts into nothingness.

That's how I sensed what he could've felt.

Maybe I'm going too far with this, he's treated me with respect and kindness, and he showed he cared every time he could.

But I still can't believe that all of this is a coincidence. I just can't. Maybe it's just my brain making me suspect everything to protect me from my fear.

V finally texted me back, She's coming back this evening, which means we have to throw a welcome party for her. And by we I mean Allen and I.

It's kind of a tradition we keep if one of us is away, we must celebrate their come back, it doesn't have to be a big party, anything works; Food, drinks and a bit of music and anything we add is a bonus. I don't think we can do something big, we only have a few hours.

V coming back means I will finally have a shoulder to lean on for all this torment my mind is going through. I don't mean that Allen is not giving me one, but I don't want to be a nuisance to him, not now, not when his mind is not in a comfortable blanket.

Allen is calling and he probably wants to plan for the celebration.

I answered the call "Hey Al"

"Hey Rose, how are you?"

"Good, how are you?"

" I'm Alright, so V is back finally"

"I'm excited to see her, do you have any ideas for what we're going to do ?"

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