Chapter 8 Reunion Truth and What?🔞🌶️♨️🍑🍆🍋⚠️🍒

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I care about my prodigy! But I had to protect my kingdom! " Yeah that didn't include your  halfbreeds ! I , know how prejudiced they are !" I cannot tell my kingdom! " So why did you even visit me? Huh! You , only want to take Oak what do you think will happen? I   know he's crown prince! Like I said I'm the black sheep!"

I can't tell my kingdom! " And , I will not give up Oak!"  Selfish! " I'm Selfish? You , want to  take the father of these babies from me! Tell , me how you  really care?"

I will take him ! " Then , don't expect me to  be anywhere  around  here either! I'll do my best to forget you!" No , I will not leave my mate!  You are leaving! I took his hands " Give me one good reason , that doesn't tell me your ashamed of me!"

Suddenly , a fight broke out between two other fae and Oak.
" You really want me to hate you!"

I'm sorry but I cannot allow this! "Stop hurting him!" I yelled
" I  hate you ! And , everything you did but Uncle Riker I love him! " the light blinded me , I fell to my knees in tears. I went into  my vault taking  a bunch of money in a suitcase,  I locked  everything  , took the key and , a text my friends.

I left that place and everyone in it.
A year later ... I , had bought  a few campers and stayed  in different states ,taking my three beautiful babies everywhere with me.

Then one day... Jessica! I froze and turned slow... tears filled my eyes " Oak!" He wrapped me in a hug.. I pushed him back  " You  shouldn't be here! Go , back to Starlet and your King!" Tears drip down my cheeks ... No , he finally told his court!

" The King doesn't care about us!" I  didn't mate Starlet!  I , refused telling the court the truth! The king had to confess! " So , what happened to him?" The ,queen is angry he had your ancestor first!

" He ,doesn't have anything to do with us! He , probably hasn't  thought about us at all!" Where are they? " Asleep!" He took my hand... I always thought about you! " How did you find us?" Touching my chest.. You are my mate.. I felt you!

Stepping in the camper.. they , were asleep on the bottom bunk bed .... He , picked our oldest boy up and kissed his cheek.... A fine strong one! He then held our second boy , and little daughter a while... Strong all of them!

Old Riker , wants you to visit now!
" He's probably mad at me!" He , is upset that you  disappeared but he is angry with is the king.. for  being such a disappointment!

" I , don't know if I should  visit or not! I'm sure the queen hates me! And , I'm sure the king is pissed at both of us!" I missed you so! " I love you but , he wanted to take you! I couldn't watch him do  that !" I began to  cry again... Don't cry my mate! Shh!

I , couldn't either! Come ,with  me and stay with Riker! " Maybe for  a couple days!" Good , good! He laid them down , taking  me to my bed making  passionate love .

He held me against the wall as I bounce on his cock.  Ooh mmm I missed you! We moan into kisses as we came. Laying down ,on my side he lifted  my leg thrusting  in her from  behind.

He pounded in as the lewd sound of wet balls slapping pussy  echoes.  We, made love all night sleeping in the next morning. I heard a whimper " Mama is here baby!"

I kissed Oak's cheek wiggling out of his arms. I changed my babies diapers " Mama is getting your bottles!" My little lights! They ,all stopped suckling their bottles to look at him.

What did you name them? " Our daughter is Lilly Luna , our oldest son is Alder Oak , and our youngest son is Cedar Riker! He chuckled I'm proud of all my ilk with good fae names to boot!

" Fae , names are suiting to fae princes and princess's!"...
You know.... the , tournament was only postponed a year! " Why?" How , can we have a tournament to bring the clans together without you? I , was put on trial for neglecting duties to the clan but... I revealed the truth!

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