Chapter 7 I Care!

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Rim , don't you  mean brother?  I ,  didn't know what to say unsure if he is my predecessor.. He stopped in front of me ...Why , did you come through the veil? " To visit Uncle Riker!"

You should have stayed child! When , you  are discoverd there will be too many questions! " So , is it that your  scared for my safety , or your reputation?"

Don't come back! " And what if I say no?" She , is my mate and I won't hide her! ... Oak ,you are to  join  Starlet! " I'm pregnant , and I'm not backing down! Maybe , you  were  afraid of facing the truth but that doesn't mean I should! Just ignore me.. that seems to be what you do best!"

Brother , she is right ! You already have many ilk allow her to help the clans! RIKER , her parentage will be in question! " Just , lie and say he's my predecessor! Since , I'm the black sheep or whatever!"

Did I say I thought that? " No , but your actions do!"  The , three we were talking to hurried off when he came over. " Uncle Riker  , maybe we should get back... I have to  work tomorrow!"

Be careful I will  visit soon! "Anytime Uncle!" What about me? " You , only want  me to give up Oak and... anything that could reveal any connection so whatever bye!"

Oak , took my hand and we left to the door.. Thankfully no hiccups.
In the mansion... Jess that was the most .... it was fun ! They said in unison! But I'm beat! " I , know Mav ! Babs see ya tomorrow!"

Jessica! " Yes my Oak?" He, kissed me  ... as we had a heated round of passion , a hot  bath together,  and he held me as I slept all night.
" COCK A DOODLE DO" alarm my phone alarm went off. I kissed his cheek  then went to get dressed,  brush my teeth and cook breakfast.

I kissed his lips  ,he pulled me into a deep kiss as we fly above the bed ... Mmm , my princess has cooked another meal ! " Yes , so come  eat before I have to leave!"  I will be joining to guard my mate!

" My sweet prince , they won't allow me to have you  with me!"
They won't see me! " Ooh well don't let the ladies flirt! I , don't  wanna  beat em off with  a stick!"

He purrs ... My tigress , ready to defend her claim! " Mmm , and I will  stand up for my love!"  He ,sat holding me in his lap we ate and , he went with me making himself invisible.

The day went fast and  trouble free but ... the , old perv that likes to make propositions got propositioned by the old lady Diane ! She's , about  eighty years old. The ,look on his face was priceless funny.

I giggled  knowing  Oak was having fun! So , I finally got my last patient tended and clocked out for the evening.  He wrapped me in a hug ... Oh girl ,when did you  get a boyfriend? " Oh well were having  a baby!" Really ! Congrats , the world is getting another  sweet little you!

"Thanks Mrs Kelly!" See you tomorrow and don't pull too much! She rubbed my belly.." I'll try!" Behave! I , smiled and drove us back to the mansion but pulling into the yard....

We got out " Why is he here?" Starlet is here to  cause trouble! I won't leave you! " Do ,you promise me?" I promise you my love! He , kissed my lips then we got out.

" Hello again!" Again you  traitorous bitch!  " I wasn't speaking to you!  I ,was speaking to him! And , I'm pregnant with Oaks ilk so he's not leaving me! Maybe , that's what you  want but he was willing with me and , he chose to I didn't beg him!"

Him! He is your king you bitch! She slapped me... " Yeah he is but... I , happen to be your sister  little bitch ! So , try fucking around  and find out! Slap me again one more time!" LIES! She swung I lit into her fists , light and and a busted up princess ... they pulled us apart.

Oak held me.. What, are you thinking  fighting? " I , don't give  a damn if she's  a princess .. she , shouldn't  dish it out if she can't take an ass whipping!" What are you thinking? " Well you tell me? Why , did you bring her knowing  Oak and I are having ilk ? " I told her your  big secret...  No, one will believe it anyway  so just  stay away! That's what you're good at!"
Stop this now! I care about you!

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