28: I Will Dance For The Both Of Us

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The day was finally there.

Harry had prepared this for a month now to say he was nervous was a straight fact by now.

"Harry don't stress it," Liam whisper yelled, looking around to see where Louis was.

Harry had already seen him, sitting in the audience, looking as beautiful as ever.

"I just want it all to go perfect!" He yelled back, Niall shushing him by covering his mouth with his hand.

"It won't if you don't shut up, we know what we need to do and we have been practicing this for ages, my legs can fall of any moment."

Liam shrugged. "You can be a wheeler like Louis."

Harry rolled his eyes but smiled a little. "Not the time for wheelchair jokes, go on and perform, I know you can do it."

The boys both nodded and made their way onto the stage, the curtains opening and the music started.

Harry bit his fingernails as he felt a small, red box burn in his back pocket.

When he glanced at Louis, he noticed the sweet boy was already looking at him and he cracked a smile, trying to hide the fact that he was nervous.

Liam and Niall were performing beautifully, playing the characters as Louis and Harry in a great way.

Liam was playing Louis and Niall Harry, their story turning into a dance that Harry had created.

Louis had noticed this by now and watched the whole event in shock, not knowing this dance would be about him and Harry.

It went from the time they were at school, the sneaky encounters that weren't a secret anymore to the hard times, where they were both in the hospital, just to the point where they were right now, a point in life with a lot of happiness and love.

Harry couldn't be more proud of all the dancers, in particular Liam and Niall.

Zayn sat next to Louis, whispering something in his ear.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Louis couldn't take his eyes off the scene. "It's breathtaking, I can't believe he pulled this off."

Zayn smiled and pat his shoulder. "That's your future husband, lou."

Louis smiled at him, glancing at him for just a second. "He sure is, zee."

Once the dance came to an end everyone stood up and clapped, some of the audience even whistling.

Liam and Niall did a bow and went backstage, Harry waiting for them and giving them a hug.

"Well done, I'm so proud of you."

The boys thanked him, still a bit out of breath.

Harry closed his eyes for a second, now it was his turn.

He entered the stage and Louis his eyes widened as he spoke into the microphone that was attached to his cheek.

"My sweet Louis, this dance was projecting our life together so far, and I know that there is many more for us to come. The future has a lot in store for us and I love you so much, that is why I will do this, just for you.

You may not be able to walk right now and I can't wait for the day we will be able to dance together again, but until then I will dance for the both of us."

He noticed Louis tear up and mouthed a 'I love you'

Harry blew him a kiss and the music started. It was a combination of the solo he had performed the night of the accident and the solo he would perform at the next nationals.

They had created this together and Harry knew someday they would dance together to this song.

The song was called 'for your eyes only' and he danced like his life was depending on it.

He felt free and alive, knowing Louis loved this and loved him, that was all they needed, love. The rest they would face together, for now it was like it was just the two of them, like there were no others in the room with them, just them.

When the song ended everyone clapped and cheered again and Harry gave Zayn the signal.

Zayn whispered something in Louis his ear who looked shocked but nodded.

Zayn walked behind him as he helped Louis on the stage, next to Harry.

"Hello my sweet boy." Harry kissed his cheek and Louis blushed. "Harry, I don't know what to say-"

Harry pointed behind them. "Just say yes."

Behind them Zayn, Liam and Niall held up a banner with the words 'will you marry me?'

Louis looked at Harry again, who was now down on one knee.

"My sweet Louis, you are such a strong person, the most adorable, sweetest and amazing person I know. I want to say so much but I'm still out of breath."

Everyone laughed.

"I just want to say that I adore you and look up to you and your strength, you've been through so much and I want to be with you every step of the way, good and bad. So my love, will you marry me and be mine forever?"

Louis burst into tears and screamed a 'YES'. Harry reached out to him and kissed him, never wanting to let him go, never let this moment end.

"You make me the happiest man on earth."

Harry wiped away some of the happy tears. "That's my goal, will always be till the day I die, probably even after, gonna haunt you forever."

Louis giggled and nuzzled his head into the crook of his now fiancé his neck.

Harry slipped the ring on Louis his finger and kissed it.

"I love you."

"I love you, you goof, how did you do this without me knowing?"

Harry pointed to the boys, who were smiling and watching the two of them having a moment.

"Come here you three!"

They all shared a grouphug and cried, all of them happy it turned out the way it did, feeling extremely grateful.


Honestly just LOVED this chapter, such a cute moment and hits close to home for sure in a way ❤️

Chapter 28 always has to be a chapter of all time with larry stories you know? If you know you know hehe

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