5: I Don't Want To Like You

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"What are the seven commonly used French ballet terms?" The teacher looked around the room, tapping his pencil against the desk.

Louis raised his hand. "Yes, Tomlinson?"

"Tendu, penché, passé, tour jeté, élevé, entrechat and-" he thought for a moment. "Sauté"

The teacher looked at him ipressed and Louis couldn't help but grin widely.

"Very well Tomlinson, good job! Impressive, honestly." The whole class looked at him as if they saw an elephant.

Liam nudged him. "Tommo what was that? You're actually studying and paying attention?" Louis sighed. "Yes, Liam." He said between gritted teeth.

He noticed Liam look at Niall, who just shrugged in response.

The last weeks hadn't been easy at all.

Louis and Harry were spinning around in circles, Harry trying to get closer to Louis, him trying to avoid and get away from him as far as possible.

It wasn't like he didn't like the lad, the opposite honestly. The thing was, every time Harry came closer, Louis felt like he couldn't breathe and became nervous, and it would take over him and it affected his dancing, something he couldn't let that happen.

Nothing could stand between him and dancing, it was all he had apart from his mum and sisters and little brother, but in a way he did this for them as well...

Harry was noticably hurt by Louis's actions, but it didn't seem to keep him from trying to get closer.

It was like the younger lad tried to spill coffee on him on purpose to lend him a hoodie again, it made Louis laugh and feel bad at the same time.

He scurried down the corridors when class was over, on his way to the library to study some more and maintain focus and work hard.

He looked around, hoping to see the curly haired teacher, but also hoping he wasn't around.

But of course to his luck Harry was around the corner, coming closer to Louis as he went into his direction.

"Hi Louis, how are you today?"

Louis sighed, that smile would be the death of him someday.

"Fine, thanks." Louis passed him, taking in his scent as he did so.

He heard Harry huff and suddenly felt the boy's presence next to him.

"I'm good as well, thanks." Harry ran a hand through his curls and Louis snorted and rolled his eyes, secretly trying to hold back a chuckle.

"I didn't hear someone asking." He sassed and his hands were trembling as he picked up a faster pace, but long leg Harry was close on his heels and soon walked next to him again.

"Where are you going?"

Louis rubbed his eyes. "What are you, the FBI?" He couldn't help but smile.

Harry bit his cheek. "Maybe, who knows." He shrugged and returned the smile.

"I'm going to walk my fish." Louis answered his question, Harry laughing with a deep voice.

"That sounds interesting, any chonce I could tag along?" Louis raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not interested, now if you could excuse me." He tried to take a left, but Harry didn't move and was quick to stand in front of him.

"Not so fast, lou."

Louis gulped but made sure not to show any sign of nervousness.

"Excuse you?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Yeah excuse me whatever, what's up with you? You've been acting so distant lately."

Shit, he had realised it. Well, that was a fact and Louis knew that, but he felt bad knowing Harry had actually a problem with it, but it also showed that he cared a lot, which made him happy.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Louis lied straight though his teeth.

Harry stood still, processing and organizing his thoughts.

"You drive me crazy, push me to the edge. I'm trying to keep my cool but I'm losing my god damn head when I'm with you."

Wow, he didn't expect that

"You are the one driving me crazy! You make shit hard!" He got annoyed, never experiencing a feeling like this in his entire life and feeling... scared?

Harry looked at his shoes. "I'm sorry, I just felt like we became closer and I know we shouldn't but I'm just attracted to you in a way and was only trying to get to know you more, because I would really want that."

Don't break, don't get your walls down, not now! You will hurt yourself and need time!

And even though he should have said that to Harry and explain, he yet again said something he wasn't proud of.

"I don't know what you're on about or talking about, we're teacher and student." His voice trembled as much as his hands, suddenly feeling very unsteady.

He felt Harry take a grip on his wrist and suddenly he was pulled to the side and into what seemed to be a empty school bathroom.

He pushed Louis against the wall, pinning him down and hovering over him.

"Are we really?"


I don't know how I managed to pull this off so well and with so much power contained but... here it is! Viola!

I'm gonna edit this later on spelling mistakes and so on and maybe slightl changes but just had to give ya this to read! <3

The tension ajhdjsjss sobbing

And it's my own writing whaha

Cya soon darlings!


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