6: The Best Friends In The World

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"Don't fool me, Louis."

Louis's heart was racing, feeling Harry's warm breath on his lips.

Keep your hands right there, eyes on mine and if you want i'll tell you lies. Tell you I'm just your teacher, and that your friends are next in line...

Should've listen to me...

"I'm not kidding."

Harry was a step ahead of him. "Are you trying to convince me or yourself?"

Harry was close, so close their bodies were almost touching. One hand was resting on the wall behind him, just above his head.

He tried to move backwards but the hard wall behind him wouldn't let him and it was a clear sign he was trapped into Harry's grip.

Harry was messing with his head and he hated it that he wanted to give in and just kiss the bullshit out of him, telling him that he didn't know what he felt and what he should and shouldn't do.

Should he listen to his mind? Or his heart? Everything felt like a blur, emotions all over the place as Harry was just looking at him calmly, a look of lust? In his eyes, Louis wasn't sure what it was, but he sure as hell wasn't doing any better than the other lad.

"Both." He managed to get out, but it was a whisper and he wasn't sure if Harry even heard him.

But the boy did and he looked away, Louis thinking he said the wrong thing until he saw a smile making his way to Harry's lips.

As fast as it happened the moment came to a end and stopped, Harry backing away from him.

It was so intense but Louis felt like he couldn't breath, even though he felt like he should since Harry was not standing so close anymore.

He was stuck against the wall, speechless and at a loss of words. His mind was blank but also full of thoughts and images of what could have happened.

"All I needed to know. Catch you later, lou." Harry turned around and waved, not looking back as he left the bathroom.

Louis sunk down to the floor, breathing heavily as he sat on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor.

All he needed to know? What had he meant?

After sitting there for some minutes which felt like hours he stood up, not wanting someone to come in and wonder why a ballet dancer was sitting on the floor looking like he just saw a ghost.

He was suprised that hadn't already happened, though. Or did it and was he just so caught up because of Harry's half kind of embrace and trap?

He shrugged to himself and swung the tote bag over his shoulder and decided to go home, he really needed some time and a breather, and also a big bucket of vanilla ice cream.

And Harry's hoodie...


"So wait our teacher, Harry Styles, pinned you against the wall? That's what I could make out of your-" he looked at his watch. "Your hour of talking?"

"Yes, Liam. Bravo, sherlock." Louis rolled his eyes as Liam did the same at the same time, both laughing.

"But like how do you feel about it?" Niall, who had unlike Liam listened the whole time in silence, spoke up.

"I don't know, I mean he's our teacher but he's got something you know? I feel like I want to get to know him but don't want him to come too close you know?" He groaned and burried his head in his hands.

After what happened he had took a long, nice hot shower and invited Liam over to his and Niall's dorm to watch movies and talk about the events that had occured earlier.

"I get you in a way, but is it fair to him to push him away like that but also give mixed feelings?" Liam had his eyes on the television and zapped as he spoke.

"The more important question, is it fair to yourself?" Niall asked, which was exactly the question Louis needed.

It was like his eyes opened as Niall said it. He had these feelings and thoughts, but was it fair to Harry? And to himself, was it fair to supress those emotions and act like he didn't care but knowing deep inside what his heart wanted? Was that what he wanted? Was Harry the thing he wanted and needed in his life? And what about dancing?

"Niall's right, and I can tell by looking at your face you know that as well." Liam threw a pillow at his face, Louis snapping out of his thoughts.

He threw the pillow straight back at Liam. "I believe you're right, but what about dancing and my career? I've never been someone to commit, really. Dance always has been my priority."

Niall, who sat next to him on the bed pat his shoulder. "And that's alright, but you can always give it a chonce. You always say 'take the risk or lose the chonce' so it's only fair to follow your own advice innit?"

Louis knew what his friend said was true, but he needed time to process this all.

"What Niall said, and take your time lou, just don't push him away no more I would say and just try and experiment. He knows like no other that dancing is important to you and we will make sure he won't do harm to your dreams." Liam chuckled and turned around to face his friend.

"It's alright to set yourself as a priority as well, not only and just dancing. Open your mind and heart and what's meant to be is meant to be, but when dance is important it doesn't mean the rest can't have a place into your heart as well. He gotta earn it, though." He winked and the other two chuckled.

His friends were fun and mostly just acting like they were five again, but when needed he could get some real good advice and deep conversations, he loved and appreciated that about his friends, he really had the best friends in the world.

"Thanks guys, I will think about what you said, I appreciate it honestly." He pulled his friends into a hug.

"Ah you're welcome, that's where friends are for." Niall smiled at him, pushing him into the direction of the couch they had bought a week ago.

"Yeah what Niall said, it's no biggie, we know you would do the same for us. And we won't third wheel, at least we got each other Niall." He dramatically let himself fall into Niall's arms who started fake sobbing.

Louis stood up and sprinted towards the two and jumped on top of them, the other two letting out a scream as the brown haired lad squeezed them to the ground.

"Oi, save that for Harry mate!" Niall chuckled out and Louis slapped his back, Niall still laughing.

Liam joined in and they laughed until they were doubled over and almost couldn't breath no more.

True friendship starts somehow and never ends x


Song above but slightly changed by me: Renegade from Aaryan Shah, it's such a amazing vibe!

Best friends in the world, 5 amazing boys, together and as individuals.

This chapter includes a important message from me to you if you haven't noticed yet, 'keep things fair for others, but mainly for yourself, it isn't selfish to set yourself as a first priority, that's your right and others need to accept and respect that' <3

Do you want me to include more songs? Maybe with a twist as well? Let me know x


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