2: Mr. Handsome

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Louis woke up at 6 A.M. something he will never get used to, but that was going to be his life for at least the next years.

He dressed himself into some sweatpants with the school academies logo on it and a white shirt before starting on his morning stretches.

When he was done he took a jog around campus and stopped at the canteen on his way back to grab a sandwich, which wasn't really delicious but managable.

When he entered his room, which he shared with Niall he noticed the lad was already awake. "Hey lou, had a good morning run?"

Louis threw him a sandwich, which the boy catched smoothly. "Yes, going to take a shower and then head to class, you tagging along?"

Niall took a bite of his sandwich and scrunched his nose. "Ew nasty." He stuck out his tongue. "Yes, we got the same, Liam has a class now, some more practise after his hip injury. We can already go, though. He will meet us there after he's finished."

Louis nodded and took a shower, a short one since they were running a bit late, couldn't get behind on classes and miss it.

He quickly got dressed again, drying his damp hair with a towel as he stepped back into the room where Niall was packing up his bag.

"Ready to go?"

The first two classes went by rather quickly, a warming up class and some information about career choices, do and don'ts and things like that.

Most of the time they all were actually dancing, but they also had to have some theory here and there, a good balance..

But practice makes perfect and soon enough there were, yet again, at Mr Hayes his class.

They sat down at the bench on the side, next to ten other dancers who all had the same dream, becoming a succesfull and most importantly, a happy dancer.

It was a never ending thing, those classes.

"Hello class!" Mr. Hayes spoke up, two other men following behind him into the room.

"Oh those two are the men he told you about yesterday?" Louis shushed him but nodded, he had told Liam and Niall about the talk he had yesterday.

"I want to introduce you to Mr. Zayn Malik and Mr. Harry Styles, they will stick around for some time and check out your skills and qualities and look for the 'perfect dancers' they need for a class they are going to set up. The school organized a competition that will take place in about two months, so until then they are going to check all of you out and see what they can do for you and maybe hand some of you some opportunities."

At the last sentence Mr. Hayes looked at Louis, who bit the inside of his cheek and avoided his gaze.

The man went on about some other shit and Louis took that time to look over at the presence of the two new faces.

Louis scanned over Mr. Malik. He had black hair, slicked back into a quiff with a white dyed strand lingering in front of his forehead. He was wearing a black button up and joggers, something that was quite normal for the teachers here since they often joined the dancers on dancing.

He then took a look at Mr. Styles and gasped once taking in his looks and appearence.

Brown hair, styles into a messy bun. His green eyes were bright and could stare straight into his soul. He had such pretty, gorgeous facical appearance if you ask Louis, in his opinion the man was close to possibly be the most beautiful lad on earth...

Mr. Malik was muscular, but Mr. Styles his build consisted of even more abs and was almost all muscle.

He had his hands behind his back, playing with the rings on his fingers and the hem of his white shirt. Beneath he was wearing black sweats and of course some special shoes, pink ballet shoes made for teachers to teach and dance but also being able to walk on them normally.

He was a bit shocked when Mr. Styles caught him looking and smiled and winked at him, grinning slightly.

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink and he looked away, avoiding his gaze and straightening his composure.

He couldn't deny this man was utterly and amazingly beautiful, but he was his teacher. With that thought he shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts playing in his head and the images that were created.

He did miss the pout on Harry's face, though as he looked down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers.

This experience was going to be something. He knew it, could surely feel it...


Trying to write a bit more detailed but simple if you get me. Simple, but effective hehe <3 if you know you know haha

What time of the day are you reading this?

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