10: Cozy Nights Like These

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"You want to hang out at mine for a while? Zayn is out tonight and won't be back until tomorrow morning." Louis nodded and they made their way back again, Louis hugging the stuffie close to his chest.

Once they got back Louis was about to sit down on the couch, but Harry stopped him.

"We can go to my room if you want? Set up a movie on my laptop?" Louis didn't say anything as he followed Harry to his bedroom.

It was just as Louis had imagined it. The walls were white but covered in posters of dance groups, solo dancers and the XFactor.

A king size bed was in the middle of the room, light blue blankets spread across the bed.

In the corner Louis noticed a guitar next to what he assumed was Harry's closet, and Harry was so thankful Zayn had cleaned up after they had messed up the room trying to find out what he was going to wear.

"You play the guitar?" Louis asked, walking up to the case.

Harry smiled. "Not that well but I do, do you play anything?" Louis sat down on the bed next to Harry. "Only the piano, you should play to me next time."

"Will there be a next time?" Harry questioned, a look of misschieve and hope in his eyes, his dimples popping as he smiled up at the boy.

Louis leaned against the headboard and closed his eyes for a second. "I would be very happy if so." He said, looking back at Harry.

He had so much fun with the boy tonight, his cheeks hurting and sore from smiling so much. With Harry everything just seemed to be easy and normal, like everything came together naturally.

Harry reached up his hand and slid it down Louis's cheek. Louis's beath hitched in his throat as Harry's eyes changed from happiness to a hint of nervousness?

He moved his head closer, their lips almost touching. It was like the last time Harry had trapped him, as he now was again hovering over him from the side.

But this time Louis felt more comfortable, back then already knowing what he wanted but needing some time, now completely prepared, ready and other circumstances.

Harry looked at his lips and back at him, silently asking if what they were about to do was alright.

Louis nodded and Harry didn't hesitate and closed the gap between them, connecting their lips.

Louis licked his bottom lip and soon got entrance. Hary tasted sweet and his lips were so soft as they moved so in sync against his own.

He had imagined this scenario for multiple times playing on repeat in his head, but this, this was way better than he had ever imagined.

Harry was gentle and sweet, something Louis desired and felt thing he never felt with someone before.

This was alright, everything felt great as time seemed to stop for a moment.

After a while they pulled away slightly, resting their foreheads together as they both needed to catch their breath. Harry still cupped Louis's cheek and Louis swept a curl behind Harry's ear, the smile never leaving both boy's lips.

"Was this okay?" He heard Harry softly ask, a tremble in his voice.

Louis smiled. "Of course, it was amazing, more than okay, really."

And that was all Harry needed to hear, pulling him back for another kiss.

Sometime later the two of them were cuddled up in bed, having a movie playing on the background but not really watching, mainly getting to know one another and just enjoying each others presence and company, both feeling content and delightful, satisfied even.

Louis knew they would need to talk soon, they were still student and teacher after all, but he was sure everything would turn out to be fine in the end.

For now, they were just Harry and Louis, and Louis hoped it would stay like this, at least for a little longer, a vibe lingering in the atmosphere, both wanting to be close to the other.

It still made him a bit nervous though, as he didn't want to give up his dancing and didn't want Harry to quit his job either.

He decided to just enjoy the moment and try to get it out of his head for now, the evening so great he didn't want it to be ruined or end yet.

Eventually Harry noticed Louis had fallen asleep, soft snores leaving his lips as he tossed and turned a bit until he settled into Harry's arms.

He looked at the sleeping figure, feeling the happiest he had been in a while. He admired Louis and his gorgeous body for a moment before styling his hair in a small, messy but and turning off the light, letting Louis cuddle deeper into his side.

The boy was almost laying on top of him and Harry loved the feeling, something he wished would happen every night somewhere in the near future.

He hoped Louis felt the same, he could tell but also notice the boy was figuring stuff out, organizing his thoughts but wanting hapiness so bad and a balance.

Still he was nervous, but that was alright, he just enjoyed the moment, not knowing that Louis felt just the same if it wasn't more.

He wrapped his arms around the boy, his thumb running small circles on the boy's lower, clothed back as he dozed off himself, drifting into a nice slumber, the smile never leaving his lips.

Louis never really failed to make him smile, his giggles lightning up the room as his beautiful voice echood through the space, his eyes beaming and everyone in the room would instantly gawk at his appearence.

He didn't take this for granted, not sure why Louis liked him, but glad he did out of all the people, in Harry's eyes Louis was just beautiful and what he needed.

No rush, just relieve and happiness.


I'm sorry guysss, been so busy with the first official week of school and work, normally I tend to update more on the weekends but I was ill last week, a cold or something so yeahhh I just read other larry stories on here haha.

I'm here though and not leaving!

Ya'll started school or work again as well?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, probably will update the other stories as well either later tonight or tomorrow!

I still didn't read all the notifications, will do that as well!

Cya soon, stay hydrated and try to not worry much! We'll be a fine line, we'll be alright.

(Hazz his voice is just stuck in my head, love it).


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