Explanation, coming up, ideas and more!

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August 24th, 2023

Hello lovely people!

Oops! Hi!

(I don't accept translations or copies or anything for the matter, copyrights and author rights valid and reserved!)

I'm so happy to announce, introduce and show you my new story!

I'm still writing and updating 'my little kitten', 'when worlds collide' and the sickfics of course (and maybe in the near future some sequels and so on), but I just got this idea and since 'on edge' is finished and completed this seems like the right time!

Have many ideas and plans so stay tuned, coming up soon! Trying to improve and experiment with writing style, even though I think stuff is going well.

I like all, but some are just diffrent, better (like lou about some songs said some like that hehe) love that vid and moment, interacting and talking with fans, just love it!

As always a larry explanation since I want to show full respect and feel like I owe and want to tell this to you, like I always try to do when writing stories.

I love the idea that they are together, but if not of course that's alright, more than even because it's their life, solo or together and we must be thankful that we were able to see them and a part of their story, from all the boys but some thinhs are for them only and private and that's how it's supposed to be.

As long as they are happy I am, we should be and no hate to anyone, but I don't know I still believe that in my opinion I hope they are in their arms at night, some habits never change like the old days and I feel like there was chemistry at some point at least.

They are amazing as individual, solo and together and we should respect and accept no matter what and should be grateful we see this process and their story as far as they want to share.

I just love them so much and they saved me, gave me hope so thank you, all 5 of you.

I hope you're happy, healthy and thriving and the best of luck, you deserve everything and anything, needs to be said at times, of course.

So much more to say but that's in my head and besrt for now, good things to be private at times!

I bet that I made my point clear, it's just difficult and complicated since I sometimes feel bad writing larry and so on because I feel like they don't 'have a saying' and Louis said he doesn't like this because it was disrespectfull for some people like back then el, but I mean it's deny and comfirm and yeah I don't know, I just don't want to hurt anyone or make them feel bad or break what they had, lou and hazza and I hope we're not a part of that like he once said that it affected their friendship or some.

I hope I (we) didn't and yeah they are in this together, but I would take this down in a second, a heartbeat even if they ever want me to, that will always be that will, any time! For now still, this is just entertainment purposes, with messages from me to you and I take you along the way and show the process, trust the process!

Long message but it feels like a weight is lifted off my shoulders, instant relieve now that my opinion is clear.

I respect everyone and some people say 'yeah 1 person, others will still write larry' but we should respect and accept them and their life, and one person can change the world, the boys all proved that if you get me.

Enough talking, all the love to the boys, lou, hazza their friends family, loved ones and ya'll of course, love and appreciate the support!

Will update my other books soon as well, have many plans and suprises for ya'll in the making!

The usual xd

All the love, honestly, truly, really!

Have a great day, hope I was able to make you smile! :) cheese, or is ittt -hazz, in my head rent free.

The cover is made by me, but I do now own the picture, credits go to owner, and if it's real based on, imagine oof haha.

Sorry not sorry hehe

Will read all of the notifications soon, lots! Love it but I wanted to take some 'time off' like hazz (cries in a cool way but still no worries hazz don't feel bad! That's another story haha could talk for ages and also be silent at times and just listen and enjoy, oh well more later! About this maybe).

But I'm still updating so please, feel free to wait for me, not going anywhere! Won't get rid of me that quick hehe.

-Nati🦋 nini hehe <3

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