12: Upcomings and downhills

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"What are ya'll going to do when spring break finally arrives? Just a week left, damn I need it." Liam groaned and let himself fall onto Louis's bed.

Niall shrugged. "To Ireland of course, just like every other year to see mum, dad and annoying but sweet Greg again." He chuckled and zapped on the tv, looking concentrated at the small screen.

"I'm going to my parents as well, the girls must be excited to see me again." Liam smiled, thinking about his sisters their happy faces.

"What about you, Louis?" Niall asked, his face still glued to the television.

Louis sighed and rubbed his hands over his face, not knowing what to say.

The boy's smiled sympathetically, knowing Louis's situation because well, they were best friends and Louis basically always tells them everything.

You see, Louis's mum, sisters and little brother weren't doing really good financially.

When their dad left when the other kiddo's were all very young, Louis made a promise to himself to try and provide for them.

He didn't need to, but his mum had done so much for him, and he had talent and loved dancing, so why not try to get as high as possible on the ladder of succes and hopefully soon making money with it?

He always feels bad when he's visiting, because even though his mum loves having him over and around, it's a extra mouth to feed, so Louis mostly just visits a day or two and tries to get a parttime job for the holidays and time being.

He wasn't really looking forward to it, because his friends would be gone, and he would stay on campus by himself and he just didn't like that.

Liam and Niall had invited him over and took turns having him for some days, their families all lovely and very welcoming, but Louis didn't want to do and take that from them anymore, even though the boys and their mothers and fathers insist.

"Probably going to go and see if I can get some money taking shifts at Starbucks, visit mum, the girls and Ernie a day or two if I can find a way to get there."

Liam hummed and seemed to think deeply about something. "What about Harry? What's he going to do?"

Louis shrugged and thought about it, they really hadn't discussed the upcoming holidays yet.

"I'm not sure, probably visit his family. Speaking about Harry, he asked me to come over, so I'm going to snog him now, byeee." Louis laughed at the faces of his best friends as a emty bag of crisps and a water bottle were thrown at him on his way out, along with a 'bye bitch' and a 'don't come back soon, we won't miss you!'

Yup, that's how his friends were.

He wrapped his arms around himself, the chilly weather not really being appreciated by him as he walked over to Harry and Zayn's dorm, which wasn't too far from his and Niall's luckily.

He knocked and Zayn opened the door. "Hi Louis, Harry's upstairs, how are you?"

Louis smiled and took off his shoes and coat. "I'm good, thanks. Life treating you good as well?"

Zayn nodded. "For sure, honestly settling in here, the classes are great."

Louis hummed and took a hand through his hair, fixing his fringe.

"Cheers to that, you going to your family as well for the holidays?" Zayn happily nodded and sat down on the couch. "Yeah, can't wait honestly."

Louis sighed and exhaled deeply before going up the stairs. "Same." He whispered, not really knowing what to say to that.


"But like, if you're allergic to strawberries, can't you drink strawberry lemomade either?"

Louis giggled and groaned, Harry surely was quite something.

"Love, of course you can drink that, there aren't literal strawberries inside of it, but it does depend on what makes you allergic and if the same is in in, but oh well go to the doctor if you're not sure I would say."

Harry smacked his lips and cuddled into Louis's side, both relaxing on Harry's bed and talking about random things.

"Are you allergic to strawberries?" He then asked, and laughed when Harry shook his head.

Yup, this is how it is, and Louis didn't want it to stop.

But oh boy, he wasn't 't ready for the things coming his way, not at all...


How's you? Good I hope!

I changed the family a bit and won't include sweet Jay in this story, it just doesn't feel right so I changed the whole family a bit, just a twist as this is fanfiction anyway so possible and out of respect <3

About the strawberries, I'm allergic to them myself, don't ask me how that happened whaha.

Oh well, doctor knows well mostly best, so don't come for me!

Cya soon, two stories left to update at least, probably today and tomorrow, 'my little kitten' already has a chapter out again, maybe more soon but first this one and the sickfics and 'when worlds collide', either today or tomorrow at least one chappy!

I again gave you a kind of implication that there is going to happen something soon, just like I did with the last chapter hehe.

Stay tuned!


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