13: Picture Perfect Plans

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"I don't want you to see me as a charity case or a burden, Harry!" Louis stated, crossing his arms as he was sitting down next to Harry on his bed.

It was a couple of days later and spring break was coming closer. He hadn't really thought about how to tell Harry about his situation, but he had done it because it needed to be told, Harry deserved to know what was going on in his mind, they were boyfriends now after all.

"Louis, love I don't see you as either, I'm glad you told me, it's fine if we just stay here as well! I just want you to know that I make enough money to give you to provide for your family, but I get that that's not what you want, you stubborn little shit." Harry softly smiled

Louis sighed, glad Harry understood him and didn't judge, but he didn't really expect that from him anyway, Harry is such a pure soul, but he was still a bit hesitant to tell, wanting them both to be and stay in their happy bubble, but apparently this topic didn't change that a slight bit.

Louis leaned into Harry's side. "Thanks." He murmered and returned a small smile.

Harry nodded. "What would you like to do yourself, darling? I'm happy you told me this, knowing It's hard for you to open up."

Louis softly kissed his cheek and grabbed Harry's hand, playing with his fingers. "I would like to spend like two nights at my mum's place and yeah go to work and make sure to keep practice dance." He looked at Harry to see his reaction.

"Well then that's what we're going to do! I would love for you to spend some time at my mother's place as well though, if you want. They are very excited to meet you."

Louis raised his eyebrows. "They know about me? Harry!"

Harry chuckled. "Of course I told them about my boyfriend, the boy I like so much. They already love you, lou."

Louis thought for a moment but then smiled. "I would love to meet them, I'm just a bit nervous that's all."

Harry kissed his cheek. "I get that but no need, I'm more nervous to meet your family, if you got your sass from your mother I don't know what to expect." They both laughed and Louis playfully pushed him.

"Well then it's settled, we're going to spend some more time together the next weeks."

Harry put his arms around Louis's waist and lifted him onto his lap. "Like we're not doing that already, I love spending time with you and your family, it makes me feel closer to you as well, seeing where you grew up."

Louis nodded and they talked some more about plans, laughed lots and watched some movies.



"Yes, Neil?"

The blonde rolled his eyes. "I will ignore that for now, did you check out the poster in the hallway? They are going to give us more classes after spring break because we're going to Italy this summer! We're going to peform and compete with a group from a big ass studio!"

Louis snatched the paper out of his friend's hands. "Oh my gosh, that's so cool! Did you already show Liam?"

Niall shook his head. "He's at Zayn's place, something about a particular dance?"

Louis laughed. "I knew it!"

Niall looked at him confused. "What did you knew?"

Louis sighed. "That they're liking each other of course! Harry told me Zayn sometimes went out of the room rather quick when Liam had some extra classes, and didn't you notice the looks they give each other?"

Niall groaned. "I'm going to end up single forever and fifth wheel." Louis smiled and gave his friend a hug. "Of course not."

He stopped for a moment. "Well, maybe." He grinned and a look of shock took over when Niall threw his soda in Louis's face."

"You did not just do that!"

Niall smugly shrugged. "I didn't do anything!"

That was the start of a food fight, Louis in the end covered in french fries with ketchup and soda, Niall the same but with some cake all over his face as well, still confused as where that actually came from as well.

It was even greater when Harry and Zayn entered the room, the look on their face priceless because of the sight in front of them.


"Yes, zee?"

"You got a hell of a weirdo boyfriend."

Harry smiled widely. "Oh I know, It's amazing."



A bit of a 'boring' chapter maybe, expect the food fight, made me think of the time and picture with Louis, cake smashed all over his face.
If you know you know :) might add it later on!

Shit is about to go down! Sorry not sorry, it will end up good I bet! So no worries!

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