Chapter 40

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Waking up with a massive erection wasn't exactly on my bingo card and having Sofia warmly wrapped in my arms, her naked body pressing into my groin hadn't helped in any way.

I could feel my cock throb hard, fuelled by my hormones demanding I slammed balls-deep into her and take her until I could quench my thirst for her if that was even possible.

That was the reason why I'd ended up leaving our bed and chose to take a cold shower and cool off afterwards in my office.

Clearly, it wasn't of any help because I was heavily distracted and I could feel another erection grow just by thinking of the state Sofia had been in in the early hours of this morning.

I couldn't even dream of penetrating her right now no matter how willing she was because I'd break and paralyse her with one thrust.

It'd been too long since I last had a woman and the fact that the woman was her, my wife, made things even worse.

She made my hormones feral and aroused the primal beast with a rampant libido within me. I couldn't control myself with her and I just knew it.

Would waiting and prolonging the process make the situation any better for me anyway?

I was distracted by the sound of my phone vibrating, notifying me of a new message. Of my two main phones, the one that vibrated was the one I used to exclusively communicate with Sofia.

That made my heart race wildly and the fact that it was a picture made me break into a sweat.

I sat up straight in my chair, grabbed the phone and went straight to our chat. She was awake and she'd sent me a picture—of herself.

It was a mirror selfie showing enough to make my head make a full mad spin. She was still as naked as I'd left her but with her hand covering her nipples.

God, she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever met and she glowed. How did I ever get lucky enough to call her mine?

Her hand framed her breasts so good her cleavage made my cock jump, especially with the red marks I knew I'd imprinted on her adorning not only her cleavage but her collarbone and neck as well.

I could see every single mark with the way her hair was held up into a messy bun and I wished I could see lower to the ones on her milky inner thighs.

I wished—

Good morning, Dom.

Fuck me.

I swiftly stood from my chair and lurched forward towards the door. I'd never strode so quickly in my life and despite my speed and focus, getting to her seemed to have taken longer than ever.

I barged into the bedroom and took a few steps inside, kicking the door closed behind me.

She stood at the edge of the bed, tying a knot on the string of her morning robe. Our eyes met and I saw a certain type of hunger in her eyes that doubled my own.

I swallowed hard, following her eyes. Was she aware that right now, I was seconds away from grabbing her, bending her over and filling her up with my cock?

Sofia let go of her robe and allowed it to part before she slightly moved her shoulders, allowing the light, silk fabric to fall off her shoulders and pool at her feet.

She stood before me in her naked glory, her perfect nipples taut and erect, pointing at me. Her confidence in showing her nudity to me without covering any part of herself insecurely made me crave her even more desperately.

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