Chapter 17

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I fidgeted with the straw in my glass, swirling it around the orange juice before taking a small refreshing sip.

Tension thick enough to make me regret stubbornly leaving the car and entering the house suffocated me.

My eyes couldn't help but glaze over the kitchen where I sat on a stool, following Olivia and the twins I figured were Cara and Craig, following her everywhere like her tail.

They were bound to follow their mother around and ask her countless questions given the pathetic condition she was in, her face swollen and red, a few smudges of blood staining her white blouse.

Her injuries had Teodoro written all over them despite me having little knowledge about the man. His violent nature scared me although I'd surprised myself with the guts I'd shown to leave the car and probably face him.

It'd been chaotic upstairs for minutes, glass shattering and slaps resounding before it'd all gone eerily silent. I'd been counting the minutes until they spilled into an hour and a half and there was still no movement upstairs. What was going on up there so quietly?

"You've barely touched your pie and it's probably cold already," Olivia observed with a neutral smile, turning to directly face me. "Should I make anything more to your liking?"

I felt horrible looking at the untouched pie on my plate I'd failed to eat due to my nerves. I'd lost my appetite completely before we got on the plane and I felt I wouldn't be able to eat anything else until Dominic returned to me safe and sound.

"I'm so sorry," I apologised sincerely, stretching my lips into a small polite smile. "I'm kind of stressed out and that messed up my appetite."

Olivia smiled at me softly, picking up the plate before me. "I understand," she smiled. "I feel pretty much the same myself."

I watched Olivia put away the pie in the fridge before finishing up preparing some snacks for the twins and sending them off against their will with a lady I figured could be their nanny.

I wished I'd met them under different, less grumpy and strenuous circumstances. I had a feeling we'd get along just fine.

Olivia joined me on the island, taking a seat on a stool opposite mine. I could tell from her eyes and demeanour that she was exhausted and reaching a breaking point. She was struggling, but still holding on and part of me admired her for that strength.

I wanted to ask her so many questions like why and how, but I couldn't bring myself to go that deep into her personal affairs. I felt it wasn't my place, at least not yet.

I felt a bit of relief when she reached out to me first, holding my hands lightly in hers and smiling at me softly despite the glistening tears in her warm brown eyes.

"I know," she whispered barely audibly, her voice cracking, "but when you have people you love to protect and shield, the sacrifices are worth it."

I understood her way better than she could ever imagine. Marrying Dom had been a sacrifice, one I didn't regret for even a second. Him being nice to me had been a bonus and the possibility of us actually working out as a married couple bubbled feelings of hope deep inside me.

"You have to be strong, Sofia," Olivia beseeched, her voice softer than before. "This is the part when you fend for yourself, defend yourself and the people you love and stay true to yourself otherwise, you'll be swallowed whole by what's coming."

My heart palpitations grew rocky in a matter of seconds. I'd thought of it a couple of times myself, but hearing someone say it made it feel real and hit hard. Was I strong enough to brave all odds and face whatever I was facing?

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