Chapter 9

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For someone who wasn't exactly a big fan of extra-long flights, I'd handled our flight to Fiji extremely well.

That wasn't my only relief and achievement at the moment. A couple hours ago had been one of the few times I'd braced myself to air out my views and concerns, intimidating as it had been, and Dominic had handled it flawlessly.

I hadn't felt so bold in a while, marrying him in the first place excluded because that had honestly been the biggest leap of faith I'd taken for my loved ones.

Deep down, I was glad we'd spoken because now, I felt there was less uncomfortable tension between us and I was slowly warming up to him.

Of course, I didn't expect him to be smiling at me every time our eyes met despite how much I wanted to see him smile. I was okay with our current relationship for the time being.

Walking into the beachfront modern villa made me feel like I was walking into the right place, a safe space where I'd have a dream vacation.

I liked the energy I received from the environment itself, the majestic artistic beauty aesthetically appealing for an enthusiast like me.

The sun had just begun setting with the blush of a rose petal. The sky was like an artist's canvas, filled with skilful strokes of reds, oranges, yellows and dominantly pink.

The sun gradually melted into the sky, slowly fading away and paving way to darkness.

I'd never seen a sunset so dreamy and beautiful. I had a feeling I'd enjoy my honeymoon.

Liam and two familiar bodyguards had already handled the luggage before Dominic and I ascended the spiral staircase to the first floor. I couldn't even guess how much money it'd cost to furnish and design everything in this villa, the staircase included.

It lit up with every step, rippling like waves in the ocean beneath my feet. It reminded me of the ocean in the most beautiful way possible. I couldn't wait to walk barefooted on the white and pink sand and let the wind tousle my hair.

"This way," Dominic's voice broke me from my thoughts, his hand guiding me forward by the small of my back.

I gave him a small polite smile, taking cautious steps forward.

We walked down the hallway till we got to a bedroom where Dominic pushed the door fully open. I stood by the doorway, absorbing the details of the fully furnished state-of-the-art bedroom.

Black, white and grey were the predominant colours, the setup and size giving the impression of a master bedroom. The room was definitely his.

I felt Dominic's hand on my waist, right above my hip. I looked up at him, figuring he was already gazing down at me, our eyes instantly connecting.

"This is our bedroom," he informed me in a soothing pitch.

"Ours?" I asked in a curious tenor, raising my brows slightly.

"Yes, ours," he confirmed, his hand slightly sliding up my waist to my torso as he fully turned around, directly facing me. "There's no way I'm closing my eyes and going to sleep peacefully without knowing you're in a place where I can protect you with no difficulties in the wake of danger."

I didn't know what to say. I just looked up at him trying to imagine us sharing a room and a bed. Could I even survive that without embarrassing myself every second?

"Sofia," he said my name, slowly taking a step closer to me. "We'll eventually get comfortable with each other and trust me, you'll end up enjoying it more than you could ever imagine."

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