Chapter 28

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"My entire world is crumbling because of a brainless dimwit and as my son, your rightful place is next to me, not hiding away from your own father," Teodoro fumed, his pace towards us slowing dangerously.

It'd taken us a split-second to pull away from each other and assume the least suspicious positions we could take despite the vivid evidence something intense had been going on between us.

I could barely breathe properly and neither could Dominic, my face flushed and legs crossed as I pressed my groin into the desk, leaning forward.

Despite the demanding rage burning in Teodoro's eyes, attested by his deep menacing voice, I couldn't help but fight to tuck back a grin threatening to spread across my lips and piss him off further. 

I wasn't so sure what triggered it, the fact that my plan had worked and I had Dominic where I needed him or that the Teodoro Bernardi was on the brink of utter disgrace and possibly, a jail sentence that'd erase him and his malicious traits from my life permanently.

Dominic did not respond to his father's scolding, adjusting his necktie instead and looking away like he had something else further from what was happening at the moment on his mind.

Teodoro's face scrunched up at the dead silence as he approached the desk further, pieces of paper crumbling beneath his shoes. The sound must have distracted him as he cast his eyes downwards towards the floor with a further eyebrow crunch before lifting his eyes back to me directly.

One more stride and he stood directly pressed to the desk, his hand snatching the sealed envelope on the desk with his eyes focused on me.

Fuck. My fake resignation letter.

I swallowed as he averted his eyes from me towards the envelope in his hands before looking back at me furiously.

"What the fuck is the meaning of this letter and why are you packing when you just moved in?" he demanded, leaning in to face me with flared nostrils.

"It's already been sorted out," Dominic interjected sharply, striding towards his father before snatching the envelope from his hand and crumbling it in his fist smoothly. "You were looking for me?"

Teodoro's attention effectively shifted from me to Dominic, drawing a silent sigh of relief I'd been holding in since he walked in.

"I might need to go down to the station soon and if things reach that point," Teodoro spoke, putting his hand on Dominic's shoulder as they turned away from me to walk towards the door, "you'll have to make a couple of phone calls on my behalf."

I just watched as they paced towards the door, doing my best to eavesdrop on their conversation while desperately craving Dominic's attention at the same time.

Now that we'd reached some sort of common ground, what did it mean to us and what would change in our daily routines? How would we go about it?

I had so many questions for him I knew he couldn't answer yet. Not with his father next to him.

Before reaching the door, Teodoro turned back to me so sharply that it startled me, his eyes burning into mine as he walked back towards the desk.

"A press conference will be held hours or maybe days from now, I don't know, but either way, I need your solid and favourable cooperation, Sofia," he commanded me strictly.

Somewhere deep within me, an adventurous rebel leapt free and seized my tongue. "Lying has never been a strength, unfortunately, and I tend to—"

"Come again, Sofia," Teodoro growled, stretching his hand to probably grab me, but Dominic's hand clamped around his fist just in time.

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