Chapter 10

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My body cells had never been this erratic before, adrenaline pumping madly into my veins and heat crawling all over my skin in an agonisingly torturous manner.

His hand on my face felt like a hot sensual blade, shooting sizzling sensations down my throat all the way to my nearly curling toes.

His minty breath felt hotter on my skin the closer he got to me, his eyes slowly fluttering closed before the tip of his nose lightly grazed the sensual skin of my right cheek.

I froze in place, my heart thudding heavily in my chest after skipping several beats.

So many things were happening at once, tiny invisible creatures crawling all over my body, grazing and awakening dormant dark cravings and desires I'd long buried and never had any hope of awakening.

Dominic lazily dragged his nose across my cheek to my earlobe, leaving a trail of scalding goosebumps. His nose tip traced my earlobe, his hot breath fanning my ear before his sensual torture descended to my neck.

Dominic dipped his nose into my skin, clearly inhaling my scent, a groan so deep I could feel the vibration of his voice erupting from within him.

I felt insistent tightening and swelling between my legs, blood rushing to my face. My breathing became restrained, my muscle movement minimum.

I couldn't flush away the strong urge I felt to grind myself against his knee even just a little bit to soothe the burn between my legs. Everything was happening at once it felt maddening, ripping my sanity to meaningless shreds.

"Fuck," he cursed again, his lips a breath away from my skin. "You smell so fucking good I could lose my mind," he groaned like he was being tortured, breathing heavily against my skin.

I couldn't speak, my words jammed somewhere inside my hypersensitive senses. No one had ever inhaled my scent this madly, rumbling like a drunken man addicted beyond redemption.

My insides trembled hysterically with extreme heat and butterflies as he slowly drew his head away, aligning our foreheads instead and pressing his into mine.

He looked into my eyes, his gaze demanding I maintained the intense torture to my brain cells and feral unexplored hormones.

His hand guided mine that'd nearly touched him, lightly pressing it to his face.

"If you don't put your hand on my face like this, Sofia," Dominic murmured, pressing it in firmly, "nobody else will so don't fucking hold back from what your soul longs to do."

He knew. He fucking knew of my hormonal tendencies, my dark urges longing for intimacy.

I swallowed hard, fighting to make the shame disappear. Innocent and oblivious as I appeared, deep down I knew myself better than anyone. I was dirty-minded, and right now, I gave in, fully shameless.

My fingertips lightly dipped into his flesh right below his ear, my hand cupping his cheek fully. I could feel him against my hand, his sharp jawline, the softness of his skin and everything him.

I could feel his manliness and I wanted more. I wanted to touch him into helplessness and be touched dominantly in return until I gave in to every erotic urge biting at my libido harshly.

I breathed against him, our nose tips lightly touching, my grasp on his face becoming as firm as his on my waist.

"I'm ready," I breathed so softly it was almost inaudible.

I didn't know what I was ready for or the context he took it in.

I was ready for dinner, yes, but the twitching in my bottom lip told me I was ready for something else as well. He'd asked me before if I wanted him to kiss me. Right now, I knew without hesitance. I wanted my husband to kiss me and take away my breath completely.

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