Chapter 36

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"Leaving so soon without saying hi?" Ava's voice stopped me from walking towards the main door.

With a big smile, I turned around and approached her, bending down to embrace her in a big, warm hug.

"You seemed so focused," I said, crouching in front of her as I held her hands. "Didn't want to disturb you."

Ava smiled. "Today was so fun and I wrote almost a page before I had to stop. I think that the surgery I had last time is really helping. I mean, I can even hold your hands now."

Her grip wasn't firm, but it resembled major progress compared to the last few weeks. She was happy about it and sounded so proud of herself. What more did I need to feel an overwhelming tug of relief and hope in my chest?

"See? I told you you're a fighter and this fight is yours to win. I'm proud of you and all the effort you're putting in," I praised her, my smile growing wider and softer at the same time.

She nodded, enthusiasm carving into her voice. "Maybe I can have the next surgery now and we can start my physiotherapy sessions. The last doctor we met said there was hope I could walk again. I don't want to miss that opportunity to get back on my feet."

I loved the enthusiasm and hope in her voice after a dark period of depression and withdrawing herself from the world and everything she loved. 

I didn't know what exactly had changed or who had talked her into putting up a fight, but I was grateful her attitude had changed in the right direction.

Deep inside, I just prayed that the hope she had wouldn't be crashed and the results would be as good as we all hoped they would be in the end.

I nodded in agreement. "Of course, my love. I'm sure Olivia is working something out since she's the one handling your health issues. I'll have a word with her and get more involved now that I can leave the house more freely."

Her smile seemed to fade, sadness settling in her eyes. "Do you think she still wants to help me after what Mom did to Cara and Craig? She hasn't called or visited since yesterday and I'm worried. I really like her and the twins."

I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Olivia and clear the air after what had happened. She deserved an apology, especially after the way she'd been helping us throughout this ordeal with Teodoro. Had Mom's scheme really set her off to an extent where we couldn't count on her anymore?

"I'll give her a call, apologise and see the way forward, but don't worry too much about it. I'm sure she's just under a lot of pressure right now and needs time to sort out things in her life," I reasoned optimistically.

Ava's small smile and light nod told me she understood. "I saw the video online. Things are going to get better from now onwards, aren't they?" she asked me, certainty evident in her tone.

Nothing was ever guaranteed with a man like Teodoro Bernardi. In a little over twenty-four hours since the video's initial release, multiple negative articles had already been wiped off the internet together with any stuff related to that topic.

The narrative was slowly changing in his favour and I knew with time, people would eventually forget and move on as if nothing ever happened. 

A press conference was still yet to be held and there were no signs of police investigations yet. I couldn't tell where that video could take things.

"I don't know, Ava, but we're just hoping for the best. He isn't the easiest person to bring down and you know it," I responded with a soft smile.

"I know, but even if people overlook the video, he'll be too distracted for a while to mess around with you and give you problems."

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