Chapter 33

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Kissing Sofia was like nothing I'd ever experienced before, a blissful level of sensual intimacy that transcended the physical.

Our lips brushed delicately, a chaste and tender touch that ignited a raging inferno within me. It was a torturously hesitant exploration of what I felt was mine, a soft and gentle embrace that spoke volumes of the unexplored connection between us.

I could feel the warmth of Sofia's breath on my skin, the feather-light touch of her fingertips caressing my neck, tracing and memorising the skin she'd leave marks on whenever and however she pleased.

Emboldened by the fire that enveloped us like a scalding blanket, I deepened the kiss, my lips moulding against Sofia's in a fervent embrace. She moaned lightly against my lips the more I became greedy to taste her, feel her and elicit beautiful sensations within her.


I'd never felt lips so soft, so pliant and delicate I feared I'd break them with the blazing need manifesting itself in every caress of her smooth skin I gave into.

My hand cupped her face, my touch both gentle and firm as if to anchor her in the sea of the strong emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. 

My heart pounded in my ears, a surge of warmth and desire coursing through my body as I slipped my tongue past her generous lips, delving it into the warm coven of her mouth.

I couldn't recognise the sound that rumbled from my core as the tip of my tongue met hers, an initial taste of something I never knew I'd been missing my entire life until now.

My hand instinctively descended her spine, pulling her closer into me by her waist to deepen the kiss, to taste every inch of her mouth my tongue could reach.

I could feel the hesitance and tension in her muscles melt away the more I eased my tongue in her mouth, sweeping from end to end and duelling our tongues in a passionate tango, a syncopated rhythm that whispered secrets, desires and promises.

The world around us faded into complete nothingness, and our existence was reduced to the warmth and passion we shared in this delicate, sacred moment.

Every touch, every breath, every inch of skin that brushed against each other carried an intensity that I'd never experienced before, a conversation of souls that needed no translation. Our bodies pressed together, unable to get close enough, yearning to merge into an inseparable single unit.

I'd never felt this safe, this peaceful and at home with all my fears and inhibitions dissolved, leaving only pure, unadulterated passion consuming us both mercilessly.

Eventually, we broke apart, gasping softly for air, our foreheads resting gently against each other's. The intensity of the moment lingered in the air, palpable and unyielding.

I looked into her eyes, my gaze filled with tenderness and awe until I noticed how glistened her eyes were, tears beginning to spill from them.

All the lust and desire solidifying in me melted into an overwhelming gush of panic, concern and confusion.

Why was she crying? Had she not liked it and regretted something I'd enjoyed so much I couldn't wait to have for the rest of my life from this second?

Had I hurt her in an attempt to feed the growing need between us? I thought I'd been the gentlest I'd ever been with even myself.

"You're crying," I observed quietly, brushing away a tear falling down her cheek with my thumb. "Did I hurt you?"

"No," she whispered, shaking her head, "of course you didn't, Dom."

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