With a grin, Eryx gave chase, his movements fluid as he navigated through the maze of children, their wooden swords raised in mock defense.

"He's the dragon!" one of the girls proclaimed, her voice ringing out amidst the laughter. "We must save the princess!"

Crouching down beside a group of children, Eryx embraced his role with gusto, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he roared and snarled, eliciting delighted squeals from his tiny companions.

Not to be outdone, Meera scanned the group of children, her eyes alight with the same mischievous spark as her husband.

"Who among you dares to be my champion?" she proclaimed, her voice echoing with a challenge that matched Eryx's mischievous spirit.

The children erupted into excited shouts. Eryx's gaze remained fixed on Meera as he stalked around, reminiscent of a fierce dragon. Their movements synchronized as the children continued to squeal and dart around. Just as Eryx lunged forward, Meera gracefully evaded him, much like a nimble deer.

"When I catch you," Eryx chuckled, snatching a wooden sword from the ground and brandishing it towards Meera, "I shall devour, Princess."

As Eryx lunged forward with mock ferocity, the little boy wriggled free from Meera's grasp, eager to join the fray with his friends. With laughter bubbling in her chest, Meera dashed away, her feet dancing between the columns of the courtyard. The other children, caught up in the thrill of the chase, trailed behind her, their voices blending into a chorus of excitement Tayleen sat on the steps of the courtyard, laughing and telling the children to go after the dragon.

The weeks of relentless training and countless laps around the grounds had transformed Meera's once-timid endurance into an impressive display of stamina. With each graceful step, she effortlessly eluded Eryx's every attempt to capture her, her movements reminiscent of a small bird darting through the air with lightning speed. Yet, despite her agility, Eryx remained the relentless hunter, his determination unwavering.

Just when Meera believed she had successfully evaded him, Eryx materialized behind her like a shadow, sweeping her up into his strong arms with surprising swiftness. Laughter bubbled from Meera's lips as Eryx playfully tossed her into the air, catching her effortlessly each time. In that moment of exhilaration, Meera wrapped her arms around Eryx's neck, their lips meeting in a tender kiss that sent her heart galloping like a wild horse within her chest.

"I shall feast on this princess tonight!" Eryx proclaimed dramatically, adjusting his grip on Meera and hoisting her over his shoulder with a playful flourish. "Starting with her nose!"

"Nooo!" the children protested in mock horror.

"Then her fingers!"


"Her arms!"


"Ah, but why stop there?" Eryx added, a mischievous gleam in his eye. "I shall devour her whole, in one monstrous bite!" His exaggerated evil laugh echoed through the air, accompanied by the rumble of his own laughter.

The children, caught up in the excitement of the chase, surged forward, their cries of "Catch him! Catch him!" filling the air as Eryx bolted away with Meera on his shoulders. Amidst the chaos, Meera's laughter rang out behind him, a melody of joy.

As they reached the second floor, Eryx scanned the area for a hiding spot, his heart pounding with exhilaration. Finally settling on a secluded corner of the house, he gently set Meera down on her feet, shielding her with his own body as they crouched behind the door, hidden from view.

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