Ch.26 Voreios

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Chapter 26

Eryx awoke with a heaviness that lingered in the air around him, his senses assaulted by the remnants of a restless night. The dim light cast a pallor over the tent, emphasizing the disarray within his own conflicted mind. Shadows danced on the canvas walls, mirroring the tumultuous thoughts that swirled within him.

As he lay there, a subtle ache settled in his chest, a longing that seemed to weave through the very fabric of his being. Meera's presence lingered, a lasting mark etched in the recesses of his thoughts. The memories of the previous night unfolded in his mind like a haunting film, and a wave of remorse and confusion washed over him.

The sheets clung to him like a reminder of the tangled emotions that gripped his heart. Eryx sat up, tousled hair falling across his forehead, a disheveled reflection of the inner turmoil that threatened to consume him. The tent felt stifling, and as he drew in a breath, he swore he could still sense the lingering fragrance of Meera, a scent that seemed to entwine with every inhale.

Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, Eryx faced the storm that raged within him. The memories of Meera's tears and the weight of her words echoed in his mind, intensifying the ache in his chest. Before Meera entered his life, Eryx's path had been clear, defined by duty and honor. He was meant to be her protector, her guardian, with rules and expectations that provided a structured framework for his existence.

Yet, in the wake of Meera, everything seemed to unravel. The clarity he once possessed now muddled like a disastrous painting, each stroke of emotion creating a chaotic masterpiece that left him feeling lost. The lines and roles blurred, leaving Eryx in a state of confusion that echoed through every fiber of his being. As he faced the new day, the weight of his own actions and the tangled web of emotions surrounding Meera weighed heavily on his soul, casting a shadow over his every move

Outside the tent, the soldiers bustled around, packing up the camp with military precision. Eryx's mood mirrored the brooding storm within him. His normally composed demeanor was replaced by a visible irritability that seemed to radiate from him like an invisible force. His jaw clenched with each passing moment, and his brows furrowed, casting a shadow over his piercing gaze.

The clatter of armor and the rhythmic sounds of tents being disassembled were like an aggravating symphony, aggravating his already troubled state. He moved with a tense energy, snapping orders with an edge to his voice that even the most seasoned soldiers hesitated to challenge. The weight of his internal conflict manifested in his actions, as if the mere act of commanding the soldiers could dispel the frustrating attraction that consumed him.

"What's the matter with you?" Andrick taunted, unable to resist getting under Eryx's skin. "Wifey make you sleep on the floor last night?"

Eryx's gaze, razor-sharp and unforgiving, locked onto his brother. "Watch yourself."

Andrick scoffed, a cocky grin playing on his lips, as if reveling in the anger he caused. The brothers were like a pair of ignited fuses, each word adding fuel to the simmering animosity.

"I thought you said the walls were guarded," Eryx spoke, his brows knit together, the intensity of his anger palpable.

"They were," Andrick replied, nonchalant, his casual demeanor serving only to stoke the flames of Eryx's frustration.

"Then how the hell did Jasper and Arthur get inside?" Eryx hissed, closing the distance with a threatening step towards Andrick. "Did you actually do the one job I gave you, or did you manage to screw it up?"

Eryx's words dripped with venom, his anger a palpable force that seemed ready to explode. Andrick stood his ground, meeting Eryx's glare with a smug expression, pushing all the right buttons.

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