Ch. 19 My Moon

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Chapter 19

Meera's feet followed Ozmen with Eryx beside her as a sense of nervous anticipation settled in the pit of her stomach. The palace corridors, usually familiar and comforting, felt like an intricate maze, and each step carried the weight of uncertainty.

Her mind raced with thoughts of the potential objections her uncle might raise. The delicate balance of alliances, the responsibilities tied to their royal lineage—everything hung in the balance. Meera's heart fluttered with apprehension as she approached the grand doors leading to the King's chambers.

"What did you tell him?" Meera looked toward Ozmen. Her question caused him to pause before the door. Ozemn's eyes betrayed the nerves Meera felt. He looked at his cousin and then at Eryx.

"I couldn't tell him the real reason for everything that happened," he said, his voice low enough to be heard by just the three of them. "So I improvised."

Eryx arched his brow.

"I told father you two are in love with one another," Ozmen declared. "Madly and hopelessly in love. So much so that if we don't agree to this marriage, Eryx will rage war with us for you."

"That's a bit much," Meera frowned. "Don't you think."

"Is it?" Ozmen looked towards Eryx. "His ships are already out at sea."

"For Henry's trial," Meera reminded him.
"Meera, do you want to get married or not?" Ozmen asked in frustration. "I'm doing everything I can over here, okay? I apologize if my story isn't ironclad."

"No," Meera's frown deepened. "I'm sorry, Ozmen. I didn't mean to question you."

"Just play along," Ozmen instructed. "Stand next to each other, hold hands, look at one another."

Meera slowly nodded her head, feeling her heartbeat pick up as Ozmen grabbed the door handles and pushed them forward. The grand doors swung open, revealing the opulent room beyond. As the trio entered, Meera's gaze swept across the opulence of her uncle's private chamber. The walls adorned with intricate tapestries evoked memories of a time when this room belonged to her parents. The air carried the distinct fragrance of polished mahogany, triggering a wave of nostalgia and a tightening sensation in Meera's throat.

The room, once a sanctuary for her parents and her, now hosted a different atmosphere. King Neftali, reclining against the grand oak headboard of the lavish bed, seemed an imposing figure in the bright sunling. The rustling of sheets echoed as he shifted his position, fixing his gaze upon Meera, Eryx, and Ozmen with a look of expectation. Meera couldn't help but feel the weight of history in this room, and the presence of her uncle only intensified the significance of the moment.

Meera exchanged a quick, nervous glance with Eryx, who maintained an unreadable expression. Ozmen, despite the lingering tension, skillfully wore a practiced smile, trying to create an atmosphere of ease.

"Father," he announced, stepping forward, "look who's here to see you."

King Neftali's gaze shifted back to Meera. With a subtle gesture, he raised his hand, beckoning for her to come closer. As Meera hurried to her uncle's side, a surge of pressure built in her chest. She clasped his hand, feeling a stubborn tear trace down her face. Neftali's touch on the edge of her face was gentle, and his eyes softened as he offered her a reassuring smile. At that moment, the imposing figure of the king seemed to dissolve, replaced by a caring uncle who touched Meera's head and patted her shoulder with genuine warmth. The air in the room lightened.

"You had us all so worried," Neftali said, his voice still weak from the venomfire.

"I'm so sorry," Meera whispered, gripping her uncle's hand. "Please forgive me."

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