Ch.37 Willow

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Chapter 37

Beyond the imposing walls of Voreios, the earth lay perpetually frozen, a barren expanse where only frostcherry shrubs and fire oaks dared to take root. As far as the eye could see, the landscape was cloaked in a dense forest, a vast sea of red that contrasted sharply against the pristine white of the snow-covered world.

Eryx ventured along the outermost boundaries of Voreios, his footsteps leaving impressions in the slushy mixture of snow and mud that clung stubbornly to the ground. Towering watchtowers loomed overhead, their silhouettes casting long shadows over the desolate landscape. Barbed wire fences stretched into the distance, marking the limits of the fortress city with grim finality.

The previous night's rainfall had left its mark, coating Eryx's boots and the hem of his cloak with a slick layer of moisture. As he trudged through the mire, his senses were assailed by the earthy scent of wet soil mingling with the crisp bite of frost in the air.

Eryx's eyes swept across the makeshift camps nestled just a few meters away, where weary soldiers gathered around crackling campfires, seeking respite before the impending shift change. Nearby, dedicated nurses moved with purpose, tending to the fatigue and injuries of their comrades with skill and compassion. Meanwhile, the wives who had elected to share their husbands' lives beyond the fortress walls carried on with their daily routines, their presence a comforting reminder of home amidst the harsh realities of military life.

As Eryx surveyed his countrymen, the piercing blast of the guard's horn shattered the calm of the camp below. Like a siren, the sound cut through the air, jolting every soldier to attention. Eryx's eyes narrowed, his senses heightened as he instinctively tensed, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Drawing in a deep breath, Eryx took in the scent of the air, his keen senses instantly alert to the subtle nuances of the environment. And then, as if on cue, he knew. His heart quickened, his mind racing to piece together the puzzle.

"Your grace!" the guard's voice rang out from the watchtower. "Elven hounds! Just past the stream!"

Elven hounds? Eryx's brow furrowed in concern. They rarely ventured this close to the boundaries of Voreios. Something must have compelled them to stray so near to the camp, and Eryx's instincts told him that trouble loomed on the horizon. With a determined set to his jaw, he braced himself for the impending challenge.

As Eryx prepared to shift into his wolf form, he swiftly discarded his cloak, his movements fluid and practiced. His keen eyes caught sight of Sven and Zeya marching out of the gates, their determined strides mirrored by the soldiers falling in line behind them, all heading towards the barbed wire gates that marked the edge of their territory.

"What do you think this is about?" Zeya inquired, her hands deftly pulling her hair out of its previously restrained bun. "Hounds? When was the last time we saw them?"

"Something must have lured them in," Eryx replied with a shake of his head, his expression grave. "Sven, take your men to the west. Zeya, watch my back."

"Yes," the two comrades affirmed in unison, their resolve evident as they stepped back, making way for Eryx to undergo his transformation.

With a deep breath, Eryx surrendered to his instincts, allowing his wolf nature to emerge. His connection to his lupine side had always been strong, but since meeting Meera, it felt as though his wolf was constantly lurking just beneath the surface, eager to be unleashed at a moment's notice.

As the transformation began, Eryx felt the familiar ache and pressure building in his bones, his skin tingling as it thickened and his body contorted. With a fierce snarl, he fell to all fours, his senses sharpening as his wolf form emerged. His sight became keener, his sense of smell and hearing heightened to an almost supernatural level.

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