Ch.2 The Jasmine Thief

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Chapter 2: The Jasmine Thief

"Are they docking?" Iris asked, placing a hand on her husband's shoulder as Neftali looked through the gold handheld telescope.

"Why are they here?" Marcella asked, her hands fiddling with the beads around her necklace.

"They must be passing through," Meera said. "They're not going to come here."

No one believed her words. She knew there was no truth to them from the way the back of her neck shivered. She raised her hand and rubbed her skin, hoping to ease her racing heart.

"Have the guards at the temple greet them," Neftali said to Ozmen. "Henry, you will ride with Ozmen tomorrow at dawn to greet them if they dock."

"Greet them?" Meera asked, her eyes darting back to the blood-red sails breaking the horizons. "You're not thinking of inviting them into the city, are you?"

"We can't turn away anyone from the Voreios," Neftali said. "They might bring news about the Northpass. And we also owe them for saving your life."

"What about the stories?" Marcella asked. "I've heard the handmaidens talk about the death and destruction the people from Voreios bring. The last time they were in the city, nothing good came of that. Grandmother told us their soldiers nearly destroyed the villages they marched through."

"My dear," Neftali sighed, shaking his head. "Don't believe every word you hear."

"They could be here to extend their well wishes," Henry said. "We won the war. All the other Kingdoms have sent their wishes."

"No," Iris shook her head, her eyes staring at the sails once more. "Voreans would never show such generosity."

"Maybe we should ask them to wait on their ships until dawn," Meera said. "We shouldn't invite them into the city when everyone is out and celebrating."

"I agree with Meera," Henry said. "Whatever message King Hemming has sent can wait until morning."

King Hemming

Meera felt a cold wind blow through her body as if she were a hollow log. The hairs on the back of her neck rose, making her shiver standing out on the balcony.

She had heard of King Hemming before. He had an iron grip over his kingdom. His men were highly trained soldiers who could take out any army in any nation. They were trained in the mountains where King Hemming and his people kept the rest of the valley safe from the unknown dangers of the Northpass. Red was their color. Their ships were never seen around the islands, especially not around Azmeera. Meera never thought she would live to see the day their harbors welcomed them again.

"Very well. Send a messenger," Neftali said. "Tell them to wait in their ships. The city gates will not open tonight."

"Yes, father," Ozmen bowed.

Beside Meera, Henry reached down in the dark and squeezed her hand. He gave her a small nod before bowing to the king and queen and following Ozmen off the balcony.

"Girls," Iris said over her shoulder. "Return to your rooms. No need to go back to the celebrations downstairs."

"The city gates are closed," June reminded her mother. "Couldn't we ju-"

"To your rooms," Iris said sternly. "Meera, Marcella, take her with you two."

Meera, unable to look away from the sails in the distance, nodded her head. She reached up and touched the pearl around her neck as Marcella pulled June away from the railings.

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