Ch.27 Diamond

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Chapter 27

Meera peered at the stream rising from the bath as the two maids poured the hot water in. The sound echoed in the lavish washroom while the reflection of the bath shimmered against the walls and mirrors.

Inside her chest, Meera's heart carried on it's broken rhythm, beating very so slowly with exhaustion and melancholy. Standing by the foot of the bath, she felt her body sway. The deep frown on her lip was heavier then her heart and it was beginning to drag her face down.

"This must all be very different for you," Venna said, her voice a gentle whisper that seemed to hang in the steam-laden air.

Meera, with great effort, lifted her gaze to meet Venna's eyes. The young girl's sunken eyes and hollow cheeks mirrored the heaviness of Meera's heart. Venna's words, spoken with a keen perception, hinted at an empathy that Meera desperately needed.

"You miss your family," Venna continued, her words unraveling the unspoken emotions that Meera struggled to contain. "This is a strange place for you."

Meera, grappling with her own exhaustion, forced a fragile smile. "I've always known I would one day leave my homeland."

"So you were prepared for this."

The mention of preparation triggered memories of Eryx's betrayal, causing Meera's heart to tighten in pain. "No. I was not prepared for this."

Venna's eyes narrowed, sensing the depth of Meera's emotions. She opened her mouth to inquire further, but the distant voices from the meeting room in the grand chamber captured her attention. Venna looked over her shoulder and left the washroom, Meera trailing behind her. Three soldiers had arrived with Meera's belongings. They carried the trunks in along with the small woven basket in which Snow slept. Meera watched them with a heavy heart and wearied spirit.

"Oh!" Venna's brows raised. "Snow."

Meera stood back, observing the swift change in Venna's demeanor as the girl rushed up to the basket, her eyes lighting up with delight. Venna delicately scooped the small, furry animal out, cradling him to her chest and bestowing gentle kisses upon his tiny head.

"He's perfect," Venna exclaimed, a genuine smile gracing her lips.

Meera, intrigued by the revelation, couldn't help but wonder how Venna knew about Snow.

"How did you know..." Meera began to inquire.

"Eryx wrote to me almost every day while he was in Azmeera," Venna revealed, lifting Snow over her head playfully. "He told me all about you and Marcella and the sugar dumplings, and of course, June."

Meera's chest tightened, the memories of those sweet moments woven into Eryx's words bringing a bittersweet ache.

"I suggested he get you a kitten as your wedding gift," Venna continued, lowering Snow and turning toward Meera. "You liked it, right?"

"You know about the wedding?" Meera asked, her surprise evident.

Venna nodded, her expression now tinged with remorse.

"I'm surprised," Meera admitted, sinking down on the stool by the vanity. "I thought no one knew."

"I'm so sorry, Meera," Venna frowned. "Your anger is justified... but please know Eryx would never hurt you if he had any other way. He's not a bad person, at all. He's just..."

Meera swallowed the lump in her throat, attempting to hold onto the air in her lungs. "Does the Queen know?"

Venna shook her head. "No."

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