Ch. 28 Haunted Dreams

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Chapter 28

When Meera stirred from her slumber in the middle of the night, the echoes of imagined voices lingered in the hushed darkness. Lying still, she wiped away the remnants of sleep from her eyes, her gaze fixated on the grandeur of the high ceilings above. In those initial moments, suspended between the realms of dreams and reality, a fleeting sense of completeness washed over her. The anticipation of a calm day by the sea infused her heart with a momentary wholeness, and the air in her lungs seemed to carry the promise of serenity.

Yet, as the veils of sleep fully lifted and the surroundings sharpened into focus, Meera's chest tightened, gripped by a silent ache that intensified with each passing moment. A pervasive sadness enveloped her, rocking her fragile serenity and coaxing out a silent sob. The waters of her eyes welled up, blurring the distinction between dream and reality, as Meera was abruptly thrust back into the harsh embrace of her dreary reality. The momentary escape slipped through her fingers, leaving her grappling with the heartache that seemed to weigh down on her like an insurmountable burden.

"I really like her."

Meera lifted her head. The once-imagined voices now proved real, emanating from the nearby meeting room. With a determined push, Meera elevated herself onto her elbow, eyes adjusting to the dimness of her surroundings. The heavy blanket slipped off her body as she gracefully donned a thick robe, warmth wrapping around her in layers.

Tiptoeing across the room, Meera followed the trail of golden light seeping through the slightly ajar door, her movements guided by the faint glow. As she reached the entrance, she gently peeked through the narrow opening, discovering a scene bathed in the soft radiance of the fireplace. Venna and Will were seated amidst cushions and blankets, their hushed conversation coming in a whisper through the crackling of the fire.

"She's missing Azmeera," Venna disclosed, her voice a delicate murmur as she engaged in a thumb-wrestling match with Will. "And I don't think Eryx is much help to her right now."

The atmosphere in the room held a sense of confidentiality, as if Meera were glimpsing a secret world unfolding in the shadows. Will's furrowed brows betrayed his pondering thoughts as he posed a question, his thumb locked in a battle against Venna's.

"Do you think he likes her?" he asked, the lines of concentration etched across his face.

Venna chuckled, the sound carrying a warmth that resonated in the quiet room. "Of course he does."

Will clarified his inquiry, "No, I mean as more than his mate. Do you think he likes her as more than his mate?"

"Of course, he does, Will Alexious," Venna replied, laughter dancing in her eyes as she secured victory in the thumb-wrestling contest.

"I let you win, you know," Will grinned, a playful spark in his eyes.

"Whatever you say," Venna sighed, her rising movements halted as Will reached out and gently clasped her wrist.

"Where are you going?" His question hung in the air, delivered with warm green eyes that seemed to hold a universe of unspoken emotions.

Meera, observing the exchange, felt a poignant pang in her chest. She couldn't help by imagine Eryx looking exactly like Will when he had been seventeen.

"I've won every game, Will," Venna laughed quietly. "Time to let go of me."

A playful challenge danced in Will's eyes as he responded, "What if my heart is not full yet? Another round?"

"Of what?" Venna asked, her curiosity piqued.

Will's gaze wandered around the room, searching for inspiration, when suddenly, his eyes caught Meera standing at the door. Surprise flickered across his features for a brief moment before a kind smile spread across his face, casting a gentle warmth into the room.

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