Ch.13 Siren's Call

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Chapter 13

It did not take Azmeera long to fall back in love with Meera and Henry's orchestrated love story. After the war, the people craved the narrative the couple was skillfully selling. The tension that had gripped the palace eased as the popularity of Meera and Henry's supposed love story spread throughout the kingdom. Their romance became a welcomed distraction from the looming trial and the ever-present red sails at Azmeera's harbor, symbols of the impending threat from Eryx and the Voreans.

Meera and Henry had everyone in the kingdom captivated, with their every move carefully calculated and staged. Their public appearances were a spectacle, filled with coy glances, tender touches, and the occasional strolls around the beach with arms wrapped around one another. The people of Azmeera found solace and joy in the fairy tale unfolding before them, and the couple seemed to have everyone eating out of their palms. However, amid the adoration and applause from the kingdom, one observer remained unimpressed. Eryx...

He watched with a cold amusement as Meera and Henry played their roles, fully aware of the calculated performance. His eyes, like those of a predatory beast, followed their every move with a mix of disdain and curiosity. While the kingdom reveled in the love story, Eryx maintained a watchful distance.

One serene afternoon, with the sun casting a golden glow over the azure waters, Meera and Henry leisurely strolled along the shores, leaving imprints on the soft sand and collecting delicate seashells scattered along the beach. The air was filled with the gentle melody of waves crashing against the shore, creating a picturesque backdrop for the couple's romantic escapade.

As Meera and Henry enjoyed their peaceful walk, a subtle tension lingered in the air. Meera's keen eyes spotted Eryx, casually leaning against the steps of the temple, a small smirk playing on his lips. His silver eyes, vibrant and unwavering, fixated on Meera with a gaze filled with both amusement and challenge. Suppressing her disdain, Meera turned away, distracting herself by handing Henry a shell she had picked up from the sand.

Henry, perceptive to the undercurrents around them, spoke softly, "I don't think we have him fooled."

Meera, still avoiding Eryx's gaze, replied with determination, "He's the last person we need to convince of anything." Placing her hand over Henry's beating heart, she leaned in closer.

But the tranquility of the moment was disrupted when Henry's gaze shifted over Meera's shoulder, his expression changing.

"He's coming over," he whispered. "He's looking at you."

Meera's heart quickened, the rhythmic sound echoing in her ears. "Put your arms around me," she commanded. Henry immediately complied, draping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. Meera buried her face in the fabric of his shirt, catching the familiar scent of pine and cedarwood—a fragrance she came to understand belonged only to Eryx.

As Eryx approached, Meera strained to control her emotions. She swore she felt the warmth of his body as he walked past them, the encounter passing without a single glance in their direction. The tension lingered, and Meera couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that Eryx was playing a game of his own, one that extended beyond the facade of their staged love story.

Despite Henry and Mila's attempts to avoid Eryx, he continued to appear seemingly out of nowhere, a constant presence to mock them. Meera, determined to master the art of ignoring his existence, found herself growing adept at dismissing his taunts—until the day of the trial arrived.

Ozmen had emphasized the importance of Meera's presence at the trial, painting a picture of a supportive fiancée standing by Henry's side, her eyes brimming with tears and her nose reddened from constant dabbing with a handkerchief. However, as the trial unfolded and damning evidence piled up against Henry, Meera remained an impassive figure.

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