Ch.7 Two Side Of The Same Moon

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Chapter 7

To say the palace descended into chaos would have been an understatement. Eryx's shocking demands had left the royal families in a state of disbelief, and the air in the room crackled with uncertainty. The weight of the situation bore down heavily on everyone present.

Fearing that Henry's escalating outrage might lead to irreversible violence, Neftali, with a strained expression, requested time to deliberate. The king emphasized the gravity of the decisions at hand, urging caution in making choices that could not be undone.

As the room hung in suspense, Eryx, acknowledging Neftali's request, bowed before him. But the tension only heightened as Eryx then turned towards Meera.

What are you about to do now? Meera's heart pulsed with fear as she stared at Eryx. Her gaze locked with Eryx's silvery gray eyes. She felt her insides sink to her feet as Eryx bowed before her, treating her as Neftali's equal.

Puzzled expressions adorned the faces of onlookers, each person grappling with the unfolding events. However, Henry, in stark contrast, scoffed and turned away, muttering under his breath.

Once Eryx returned and made his exit, Naya helped Meera back to her chamber. Meera lay in bed, her body radiating heat as Naya helped her settle. The pain in her wrist had brought on a terrible fever, exacerbated by the shocking news of Henry's actions in Delphina. A wave of sickness and sorrow washed over her, leaving her trembling under the blankets.

As Naya carefully tended to her, Meera couldn't suppress the tears that welled up in her eyes. She cried into her pillow, the weight of the situation pressing heavily on her. The sudden revelation of Henry's actions and the potential exposure of her secret left her in a state of despair.

Fear gripped her heart as she contemplated the consequences of Eryx's accusations. What if he revealed her abilities? What if he disclosed the events of the night during the tsunami? The uncertainty of Eryx's actions made Meera feel disoriented and confused beyond words. His presence loomed over her like an ominous dark cloud, casting a shadow of dread that further intensified her sense of vulnerability.

Meera cursed the day Eryx arrived in Azmeera. His unpredictable nature and the threat of exposure haunted her thoughts. The room seemed to close in around her, and the weight of fear bore down on her like an unbearable burden.

Throughout the day, Meera's family members expressed deep concern for her well-being. Her cousins, worry etched on their faces, made frequent visits to her room, inquiring about her condition. The air in the palace was heavy with a shared anxiety as they waited for any signs of improvement.

Naya took her place by Meera's bedside, watching over the princess with unwavering dedication. She tirelessly attended to Meera, ensuring her comfort and doing everything within her power to alleviate the pain.

As the day wore on, Meera's resilience waned, and the battle against pain took its toll. Eventually, she succumbed to a deep slumber, her fevered and broken state finding solace in the embrace of sleep. Naya continued to keep a vigilant watch, providing a comforting presence to the princess during her rest, while the worried family members maintained their vigil outside, awaiting any signs of improvement. The palace remained hushed, each member of the royal household sharing a common concern for Meera's well-being.

As the night settled in and Ozmen made his last visit, Naya's nervousness battled with her determination to reveal the truth about Henry. She took a deep breath, mustering the courage to step forward.

"Your grace," she began quietly, her voice tinged with anxiety. "May I speak to you?"

Ozmen, eyes tired with concern for Meera, turned his head slightly toward her, letting out a heavy sigh.

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