Ch.23 Three is a crowd

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Chapter 23

The room seemed to close in around Meera as the weight of Eryx's rejection settled on her like a heavy shroud. The silence was deafening, broken only by the soft rustle of the sheets as he departed in the darkness. Meera lay still, her heart aching with the sting of embarrassment and unrequited desire. Snow curled up beside her, his soft heartbeat was the only sound she wanted to hear, not the sound of her husband departing.

She could feel the remnants of her silent tears on her cheeks. The echoes of her unspoken advances lingered in the air, haunting the room like a ghost of shattered expectations.

Meera's facade of pretending to be asleep crumbled as Eryx slipped away, leaving her in the darkness. She couldn't bring herself to face the reality of his rejection, so she clung to the sheets, pulling them tightly to her chest as if seeking solace in their soft embrace.

Burying her face in the pillow, Meera fought against the fresh wave of tears threatening to spill. The ache in her chest was accompanied by a deep sense of humiliation. She questioned every word, every touch, and the vulnerability she allowed herself to show.

The room felt emptier without Eryx's presence, and Meera couldn't escape the shadows of disappointment that loomed over her. In that lonely darkness, she grappled with the realization that her desires had been met with rejection, a painful truth she couldn't ignore.

As the night wore on, Meera clung to the covers, her heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unfulfilled longings. The room held the remnants of a moment that had crumbled into heartbreak.

The next morning, as the world continued to spin and sun continued to rise, Meera began to feel the effects of her sleepless night. She had no appetite for conversation or society as all her friends and family came to bid her farewell before her voyage. Forcing herself to keep her eyes open and a small smile on her lips, Meera carried on with little to no control over her emotions. Anytime she felt her chest swell up with heartache, she rushed out of the room with an excuse and found herself a moment of silence away from the crowd.

Meera withdrew into herself, seeking solace in the quiet corners where she could be alone with her thoughts. The once lively spark in her eyes had dimmed, replaced by a vacant gaze that betrayed the storm raging within.

In the depths of her humiliation, Meera grappled with questions that had no answers. Why had Eryx rejected her? What had she done wrong? The weight of uncertainty added to her desolation, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of sadness.

"Cheer up my dear," Iris said to her when she noticed Meera's melancholy eyes.

Meera's gaze turned towards the kind woman who had raised her like her own daughter after her mother had passed. She couldn't stop herself as she threw her arms around Iris and began to weep.

"Meera," Iris laid a hand against the back of Meera's head. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go," Meera declared, tears running down her face. "I don't want to leave you all."

Thinking she understood Meera's worries and sorrow, Iris's heart softened. She pulled back and placed her hands around Meera's face.

"My sweet child, your real home is with Eryx now," she said gently.

"No," Meera shook her head, a gut wrenching feeling fell into her stomach like a stone.

"I know you're frightened," Iris continued. "But you are so much braver then you know. You are resilient, kind, and courageous. Out of all my children, I worry the less about you."

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