Ch.20 Bloom

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Chapter 20 Bloom

It was the night before the wedding, and the palace buzzed with an electrifying sense of anticipation. The rhythmic beats of drums echoed outside, creating a lively atmosphere as the men indulged in revelry and celebration. Meanwhile, within the palace walls, the women were undergoing their final fittings for their exquisite dresses. Tradition dictated that the bride and groom were to be absolutely forbidden from seeing each other on this eve of matrimony.

Meera gracefully descended the grand staircase, adorned in the delicate layers of her ceremonial attire. As she stepped into the palace garden, a haven of serenity awaited her. A group of newlywed ladies gathered under the soft glow of torches, which cast a golden hue upon their animated faces. The air was infused with the sweet fragrance of ripe fruit and blooming flowers, creating a sensory tapestry that enveloped the gathering.

Servants moved gracefully among the women, offering trays laden with drinks and pastries. The tinkling sound of laughter mingled with the subtle chime of jewelry, creating a symphony of joy and camaraderie. Meera joined the group, the delicate fabrics of her dress rustling softly as she took her place among them.

"Oh, good. You're here," Iris spoke, her regal presence commanding attention as she spotted Meera. "Come closer, my dear."

Meera politely smiled at the ladies in the garden, their eyes full of mischief as she made her way over to sit beside the queen. The gathering was enveloped in an air of camaraderie and shared secrets, an exclusive moment among women.

"Where's Marcella and June?" Meera inquired, taking a seat beside Iris.

"This ceremony is not for them," Iris smiled knowingly. "They will have their turn when it is time for them to become a bride."

Meera found herself at a loss for words, glancing around as one of the young ladies stepped forward.

"Meera, why don't you come join us for a game of cards?" the girl, Laiza, extended her hand, her eyes sparkling with a hidden agenda.

"Go on," Iris nudged gently, her gaze holding a mysterious glint.

Meera rose from her seat and walked over to the small table where the women sat, a sense of intrigue lingering in the air. They graciously created space for her on the pillows, their smiles concealed behind the cards they held.

"Meera, this is Charlotte, Malia, and Zoya," Laiza introduced, each woman acknowledging Meera with a nod or a smile.

"Hello," Meera greeted with a warm smile, recognizing some of the faces from the court. They had all embraced matrimony in the past year. "I have to warn you all, I am terrible at playing cards."

"Don't worry," Zoya winked mischievously. "We won't really be playing."

"No?" Meera arched her brow inquisitively as Iris stood up behind her, clearing her throat, signaling the beginning of a ceremony that held an air of both tradition and mystery.

"Alright, ladies," Iris announced. "Enjoy yourselves. I'm off to take care of some wedding business."

Laiza bowed her head respectfully as Iris turned her gaze toward her. Meera couldn't help but wonder about the secret proceedings as the girls lowered their cards and shifted their attention back to her.

"So, Princess," Charlotte began, clearing her throat. "This is your blooming ceremony. Every bride-to-be must have a blooming ceremony the night before their wedding."

Meera, intrigued, questioned, "What is it for? And how come I've never been to one before?"

"That's because it's only for married women or soon-to-be married women," Laiza explained with a glimmer in her eyes.

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