Ch.25 Husband

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Chapter 25

The soft crackle of the dwindling fire echoed in Meera's ears as she gradually regained consciousness. The scent of smoke clung heavily to the air around her, and she gingerly raised her hand to touch the temples of her head. An agonizing pain throbbed behind her eyes, threatening to engulf her senses. Fear gripped her as she hesitated to take a breath, dreading that her head might detach with the wrong inhale.

As she started to come back to herself, a comforting aroma of pine and cedarwood enveloped her, cutting through the lingering scent of smoke. Eryx's warm touch provided a grounding presence, connecting her to the solid reality of the Earth beneath her. The roughness of his fingers against her skin was a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded.

"Where does it hurt?" Eryx's deep voice resonated with concern.

Meera, with dried lips and weariness etched into every line of her being, managed to part them and reply, "Everywhere."

Hearing her feeble voice, Eryx gently pushed his hand farther into her hair. His thumb brushed her cheek as he moved closer, peering at her with eyes filled with worry.

"What happened?" Meera asked, parting her eyes. Her blurry vision struggled to discern Eryx's features as she reached up and touched his wrist.

"You exhausted yourself," Eryx explained, his disapproving frown reflecting the concern in his voice. "And you walked into a ball of fire... What was that about?"

Turning her head, Meera sought comfort from the warmth. Her brows furrowed as the scent of the fire triggered an unexpected pang in her heart.

"I saw the man," she said slowly, rolling closer to Eryx as he crouched beside the cot. "He wanted to say something to me."

Eryx remained silent. The frown on his face deepened, and his eyes carried the weight of distress.

"Did he tell you to walk into the fire?" he asked.

"No," Meera shook her head. Attempting to push herself up, she was immediately stopped as Eryx grabbed her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"My back hurts," Meera explained. "And it's so hot in here."

"You were freezing," Eryx reminded her. "I started the fire to keep you dry."

"It's too hot," Meera complained, looking back at the flames and their orange light. "I can't breathe in here."

Sensing Meera's discomfort, Eryx nodded with understanding. He reached for the cloak resting on the side of the cot. Gently, he draped it over Meera's shoulders and then, with the strength born of unwavering care, scooped her up into his arms.

Meera made no sound as she found herself cradled securely against his broad chest. Eryx turned toward the entrance of the tent, his arms a reassuring embrace around her. She laid her head against his shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent that brought a sense of security. The tip of her nose brushed against the base of Eryx's neck, and a subtle smile curved the corners of his mouth. As Meera pulled herself even closer, the smile on Eryx's face grew more pronounced.

"Comfortable?" he asked, his lips gently brushing over her forehead.

Meera nodded, a soft affirmation escaping her lips, "Yes..."

Holding Meera securely against his body, Eryx stepped out of the tent into the crisp winter night. The freezing air greeted them, a welcome reprieve from the warmth inside. The howling wind embraced them, and Meera felt a gentle, cold touch on her nose. Intrigued, she turned her gaze upward to witness the enchanting sight above.

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