Ch.18 Fool For Pretty Eyes

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Chapter 18

The atmosphere in Ivory Tower was subdued as the trio gathered for a small, intimate dinner. The weariness of the day seemed to weigh on everyone, casting a quiet shadow over the main dining hall. Servants hurried around, preparing a quick meal, and the flickering candles cast a warm glow across the table.

Ozmen, ever the gracious host, poured wine for the ladies. The flames danced in the candlelight as Eryx observed Meera, her flushed cheeks betraying a hint of fatigue in her eyes. Polite conversations fluttered around the table, but an unspoken tension lingered in the air.

Marcella, ever the curious one, began probing for wedding details. Eryx, feeling a discomfort settle in his chest, shifted uneasily in his seat as he navigated through the delicate topic of traditions. He insisted Meera followed all the Azmeeran traditions to honor her kingdom and homeland.

"What about Vorean traditions?" Marcella questioned, delving deeper into the intricacies of their impending union.

Eryx hesitated, a subtle tension in his shoulders. "I'm sure my family will want to carry them out once we return," he explained, his voice carefully measured. "And besides, I don't really know too many of them. Usually, my mother and other ladies at court handle these ceremonies."

"Well, Zeya is here," Marcella persisted. "Won't she know?"

A small, tight-lipped smile touched Eryx's lips. "I will speak to her," he replied, attempting to redirect the conversation away from the uncomfortable topic.

Under the table, Meera discreetly kicked her cousin's leg, a silent plea to change the subject. She sensed the discomfort radiating from Eryx, and Ozmen, quick to understand the situation, skillfully guided the conversation elsewhere.

Peering over the rim of her wine glass, Meera stole glances at Eryx. She wished the conversation would shift to lighter matters. Her chest felt tight and the scent of the wine and candles made her feel dizzy. Meera kept to herself for the rest of the evening until it was time to retreat to her chambers.

The dimly lit corridors of Ivory Tower echoed with the soft rustle of Meera's gown as she slowly made her way to the guest chamber. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, particularly about Eryx's family. The echoes of Marcella's inquiries lingered, leaving Meera pondering over the melding of Azmeeran and Vorean customs.

As she passed by arched doorways adorned with intricate carvings, Meera couldn't shake the image of Eryx's discomfort during the dinner conversation. Lost in her contemplations, she was suddenly startled when she heard her name called out.


Meera turned to find Eryx, his silhouette appearing at the end of the corridor. The flickering torchlight cast shadows on his face, revealing a look of uncertainty and something else she couldn't name. Meera approached him, her steps echoing in the quiet corridor.

"You were awfully quiet during dinner," Eryx remarked. He hesitated for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully. "I wanted to apologize for the dinner conversation. It wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable."

Meera offered a gentle smile, appreciating his sincerity. "No need to apologize. If anything, I should be the one apologizing to you. Marcella can be very .....curious for her own good sometimes."

Eryx chuckled quietly, "She certainly is very interesting."

"Don't take anything she says too seriously," Meera cautioned.

"I'll try not to," Eryx replied, his shoulders lightening and his eyes regaining some vibrancy. He watched Meera with a keen gaze as she tucked back her hair and shifted her weight.

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