Ch.12 True Guardian

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Chapter 12 True Guardian

The weight of shame bore down on Meera like a heavy cloak as she stood in the aftermath of Eryx's departure. The echoes of his words lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of the embarrassment she now faced. The realization that her private encounter had become a public spectacle made her stomach churn with regret.

As Meera remained frozen in the corridor, she could sense the eyes of palace guards and maids lingering on her. Whispers and hushed conversations buzzed around her, each word felt like a dagger, cutting through the thin veil of composure she desperately clung to. The air was thick with judgment, and Meera felt exposed, as though her every flaw and vulnerability were on display for the world to see.

Marcella and June emerged from their room. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they saw Meera standing there, a portrait of shock, with an inability to form words or explain the situation. The air hung heavy with tension as Marcella's eyes flickered between her cousin and the departing figure of Eryx.

"What in the world is going on?" Marcella demanded, her voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and anger.

Meera, still in shock and unable to articulate a coherent response, found herself at a loss for words. She felt the weight of Marcella's gaze intensify, the unspoken accusation fueling her growing sense of shame.

June, usually more outspoken, stood there with her mouth slightly agape, eyes darting between the two figures before her.

"Meera, answer me!" Marcella's voice rose, her anger escalating with each passing moment of silence.

Meera's attempts to speak faltered as she struggled to find the right words to explain the situation. Her mind raced, but the shock of the unexpected encounter with Eryx had left her speechless.

Marcella, now visibly angry and bewildered, took a step closer to Meera. "You need to explain yourself. What was he doing here?"

Meera, still reeling from the unexpected turn of events, could only manage a stammered, "I... I didn't..."

The weight of Marcella's disapproval hung heavily over her, leaving her paralyzed in a moment of utter vulnerability and confusion. Seeing the look of fear in her eyes, Marcella laid a gentle hand on her cousin's shoulder.

"Did he touch you?" Marcella asked quietly, her eyes searching Meera's face for any signs of distress. "Did anything happen?"

Meera shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper. "No. No."

"Let's go inside," Marcella enveloped Meera in a protective embrace, her arms offering a reassuring shield. Nudging June to follow, she guided Meera into the room. Before shutting the doors, Marcella turned to address the palace staff in the corridor.

"Not a word about this to anyone. Do you hear me?" Her tone brooked no argument.

The maids bowed their heads and swiftly dispersed, disappearing down the corridor. The guards, maintaining their stoic composure, turned and marched off on their patrol of the grounds. Marcella scanned the halls once more, ensuring the coast was clear, before making her way inside and firmly shutting the doors.

Once within the sanctuary of the room, Marcella shifted her focus to Meera's state. "How did he get in here?" she inquired, her protective instincts kicking in. Pulling the sheets off the bed, she draped it around Meera's shivering form.

"Through there," Meera pointed toward the balcony, her eyes still wide with shock.

"The balcony?" June's eyes widened in astonishment.

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