Ch.34 Blue

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Chapter 34

Meera's lungs burned, screaming out in pain every time the icy air seared her throat with each labored breath. Yet, she pressed on, her determination lending wings to her feet as she raced forward, her eyes fixed on the distant horizon.

As Meera dashed through the pristine blanket of snow, her breath billowed out in clouds of white against the crisp winter air. The cold bit at her cheeks and nose, but her heart was ablaze with exhilaration as she raced through the wintry landscape. Each footfall left a delicate imprint in the snow.

Beside her, Eryx's magnificent silver wolf bounded effortlessly through the snowdrifts, its sleek fur glistening in the soft light of the morning sun. With each powerful stride, the wolf effortlessly kept pace with Meera, its keen eyes fixed on the path ahead, ever watchful and alert.

Slow down, Eryx chuckled, listening to Meera's racing heart. It's not a competition.

Meera huffed and pushed herself harder, "You're showing off."

Meera, Eryx sighed, You can't outrun me.

"I can try," she insisted, her voice filled with stubborn determination as she continued to race forward, her heart pounding in her chest.

As Meera surged forward, her determination propelling her through the snowy landscape, Eryx's pace gradually began to ease. With a subtle shift of his movements, he allowed himself to fall back, deliberately slowing his stride to give Meera the opportunity to pass him.

Meera, her focus fixed firmly on the path ahead, glanced over her shoulder as she realized Eryx was no longer at her side. For a moment, confusion flickered across her features, but then she recognized the gesture for what it was.

Coming to a halt, she whirled around to face him. Her eyes filled with anger as she placed her hands on her hips and scowled.

"Don't you dare!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with defiance. "I don't want a pity win."

Eryx chuckled softly, his silver eyes twinkling with amusement as he met her gaze.

Who said anything about pity? He replied, a teasing lilt to his voice. I simply thought I'd give you a head start, that's all.

Before Meera would blink, with a sudden leap, the large silver wolf launched itself into the air, catching her off guard. A startled yelp escaped her lips as she stumbled backward, landing unceremoniously in a heap against the pile of snow that had been pushed aside.

As the wolf landed gracefully behind her and bolted off toward the tower, leaving her in its wake, Meera scrambled to her feet. She brushed off the snow that clung to her clothes, shivering as the cold seeped through her layers. Using her gloved hands, she pushed her disheveled hair out of her face, her cheeks flushed with both exertion and the chill of the winter air.

Are you even trying? Eryx teased from the tower gates.

As Meera approached the tower gates, her frustration simmered beneath the surface, fueled by Eryx's teasing from his vantage point. With narrowed eyes, she threw her braid over her shoulder in a defiant gesture, her determination unwavering despite her earlier setback.

Spotting the silver wolf at the gates, chuckling with laughter at their playful exchange, Meera's resolve hardened. She refused to let Eryx's taunts get the best of her.

I told you, Eryx continued, his voice carrying across the snow-laden landscape.. You can't outrun me, my moon.

Meera's temper flared at his words, her frustration boiling over. Without hesitation, she scooped up a handful of snow and hurled it at Eryx's head with all the force she could muster. The snowball collided against his fur with a soft thud, sending a shower of flakes cascading to the ground.

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