Chapter 2 Twinkle Toes

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The , big door opens to a tall man with fox ears " Yes I was invited by my Uncle Riker!" Lady Jessica come on in! " There's, no need to call me lady ... Jessica is fine!"

I thought " Nudity , must be the style here! Or ,  maybe he just likes comfort?! At least he has pants on!"  He , is lean but build has a red tail too. I thought " I , must be related to Harry Potter!"

Nonsense, my niece you are to be the leader now! " What?"  He , stood up from the chair by a window. It's , so good to finally see you! " It's , nice to meet you too!  But , you mentioned in your letter that you needed help?... How exactly can I do that?"

Do , you feel like taking a stroll with an old fae? " Yes sure Uncle Riker!"
He grabbed a cane , and tailcoat but again no shirt.... I , know you don't understand how we are kin! I , will reveal things in due time!
I followed him down the street.. now , there are four nude men fighting over who has the biggest pecker.

You uncouth fools !  Your , new leader is here and you can't even behave!.. Grouchy old fart! Come , to the Blossom House with us!
I clear my throat " Maybe , he's a bit more picky about his company?"

You smell funny! " Yeah what of it?" Like a human! " Wow , how do you know humans aren't fun? Most have a bit too much!" What do you call fun?  " Well spending time with friends, listening to music, watching TV , reading manga you know stuff !"

Haaa , old man she isn't even a woman yet! They kept laughing " Hey asshole, just because I'm not out selling myself at a whore house doesn't mean I'm a virgin! I just don't sleep around!"

Does he live in my mansion? " No , he broke up with me uncle! And good riddance too!" Good , I don't want another head on my pikes!
" Um.... you , do realize the world has changed a lot since eighteen hundred?"

What , pray tell is the year? "Two thousand and twenty four!" What changed? " Women have equal rights to men! And , virginity isn't as popular as it should be! We have sex Ed in school!" He blushed.

My ,my it has changed! " So , um I noticed humans are on the menu! You , could've gave me a warning!"
Would my sweet niece have come?

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" Well , I might've after sprinkling doe piss on my clothes to cover my scent!" He bust a gut laughing.. Please .. ha please don't do that!
He has an infectious laugh, I couldn't help laughing too.

"Maybe, I'll just use some body spray next time then!" As long as it doesn't smell of urine! Our noses are sensitive!" You , understand we need help now as for why... Our , cultures aren't peaceful with the others help us bring unity !

" Wow , that's a big one on the wish list huh! " Hn! "So , what is one thing we all have in common?"
Everyone, has their own tournament for the strongest warriors , and mate choices!

" Mates? So , you arrange marriage , matings or is this polyamorous?"
He cleared his throat... " Did I ask something inappropriate? Do you not openly.. Oh , I forgot you aren't used to speaking about that!"

No , there is an issue with matings producing offspring! I , hoped perhaps you would help by having  a choosing !  Now I'm blushing...
" Well.. I , have a few friends that visit the mansion and , they would notice the not human part!"

Bring them to visit me! " Really? You , aren't worried they would let it slip!" No , don't concern yourself with that! " Well , uncle if you want to bring the different clans together peacefully ... Why , not arrange a big tournament with the no killing rule , and the one standing gets to choose? Or something like that!"

Yes Jessica , you are right! It would also bring more trades! "So , let me know how I can help?" We , walked outside the gates towards the door.

" Uncle Riker, I don't know your ways but let's make this place a happy one!" A paradise! He kissed my hand ... See you soon! "Maybe tomorrow!" I went back in the mansion "What the fuck?" Human get out! " No ,this is my mansion! I , inherited it from Uncle Riker!" You lie! " Dimwit , I just came from visiting him!" I am Prince of Fae clan! " Okay twinkle toes and ?"

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