Chapter thirty four

Start from the beginning

"Are you ready?" She asks and I nod my head, she sprays some gel on my belly. I'm surprised at how cold it is on my skin, she holds the tail of the ultra machine and runs it on the lower of my belly digging deeper into some places before shifting to another.

She does it for a moment, before turning the screen of to face me smiling at me.

"This is here, is your baby, do you see it?" It's a little tricky at first but as I focus more, I catch movements on the screen and something flashes in my gaze.

"Oh my God, was that our baby?" She nods.

"Yes, your baby seems to be seven weeks. You are still in the first trimester." She clicks on something and then in seconds a heartbeat sound resounds in the room.

"My gosh, is that our baby's heartbeat?"


"Oh my God, Aaron we created that." I cover my lips as I hear carefully.

"It is a healthy heartbeat, and from what I see here you and the baby seem to be in perfect shape." I'm still driven by my baby's heartbeat.

"So, that's a good thing right?" I'm pulled back by Aaron's hard squeeze on my hand and question.
The doctor nods at him. "Of course," she turns to me. "Are there any unusual symptoms you might have been experiencing?" I shake my head.

She stops the sound of the heartbeating making me miss it already.
"No, Truthfully I haven't been getting any symptoms at all. Is that normal?"

"Of course, some women even make it out of the first trimester and even show without knowing they are pregnant. Not having symptoms it's perfectly normal. Would you like a sonogram picture?" She smiles turning to click some more on the machine and then turning to me and providing me with whippers.

"Any more questions?"
Aaron takes over that part while ever since they gave me the sonogram picture of my baby, all I can do is appreciate it.

Aaron takes over the results of the exams the doctor took on my body, which is good because I'm perfectly healthy and in a good place and so does my baby.

We are given another appointment to come back in five weeks when I will be entering the second trimester.

We walk back to the rental car of Aaron. "I still can't believe I'm pregnant with a healthy baby inside of me." Aaron glances at me and only mutters two simple words.

"I know." I glance at him when I realize he is in his thoughts.

"So, are we going back to the Inn?" He shakes his head at me.

"No, there is somewhere we have to stop by first but since it's still early, let's go have an early lunch." I smile.

"Well, I'm always down, when it is about food." He grins, our eyes meet and we all lean in and meet in the middle for a kiss before pulling back.
I smile at him pulling back, except he holds me in place and kisses my forehead without saying a thing.

"Let's go then,"
He takes me to a restaurant for lunch where we get to enjoy a good meal for lunch.

"Where are we again?" I ask, we came out of lunch and he drove around a few miles away to this good neighborhood, with beautiful and expensive houses which kept confusing.

"I will get your door." I pull the seat belt off of me with I frown.
Aaron rounds the car and walks to my side to open the door for me.
"Come and you will see." I let him help me out with a frown on my face.
He kisses my knuckles before keeping my hand in his as he leads me to a beautiful two-story house he just parked in front of.

The house is pretty, I wonder who lives here, definitely, I don't know them because I know no one in Jamaica.

Speaking of knowing no one, I make a mentor note to call my sister today.
I saw something that I wanted to talk to her about.

"Good afternoon Mr. Hernandez, I'm glad you could make it, call me Tessa." The woman who welcomes us on the porch introduces while giving Aaron her hand, he let go of mine to shake her hand.

She turns to me and passes me a ridiculed smile. "Hello." I shake her hand. I hate how she is being too oblivious to how displeasing she is of me. We just met, what is her problem?

She turns to Aaron and grins.
"When we talked on the phone, I was not sure you were going to make it but as I said, I'm glad you did. Come in, take a look at this house, it's one of the special ones that I have for you." My frown deepens at Ms. Ridicule's words.

I don't get the chance to ask Aaron because he reaches for my hand again. "Thank you for fitting me into your schedule with such short notice. I'm serious about this, I want a house that I can move in as soon as possible." Ms. Ridicule grins before touching his other arm, batting her eyelashes at him in the process.

"And that is why I'm here, as fast as a bolt of lightning you will be with a house with me as your real estate broker. You don't have to worry." I look at where her hand rests on Aaron's shoulder before looking away with a scoff. I don't like the sight of another woman touching him one bit at all.

You don't have to worry.

I look back at them and clear my throat. Aaron's gaze falls on me.
I arch my brow. "Can we talk?" He nods.

"Let's get inside." I nod but I stop when we walk in with Ms. ridicule behind us.

"Alone." She snorts at me when I say that to her.

"I will show you around and then leave you two to talk, I hope you won't mind." With that, she bypasses me and walks ahead of us.
Duh, I mind, bitch. I hate the nerve of this girl already.

"This house has seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms, there are four rooms and four bathrooms on the second floor. Three rooms, four bathrooms on the first one with a gym room that is attached with a bathroom. On the first floor, there is a living room, a kitchen." I grunt my teeth in annoyance as she keeps on elaborating on the infrastructure of this house.

When I can't take it, I interrupt her mid-sentence. "Aaron," He turns to look at me. I tilt my head to the side.
"Let's talk." I don't give him a second, I pull him to come with me.

"I will let you two take a look around, I will be at the front when you need me." I roll my eyes but I don't stop for either of us to reply to her.
I walk us back inside to the kitchen.

I let go of Aaron's hand and turn to face him. "What is this?" I question.
He throws his hands in his dress pant's pockets. I hate how it makes him look hot but I snap out of it and focus back on his face.

"House searching." Is that all he is going to say? I arch my brows for more information because I feel like I need them.

"Last night when you said you were bothered with staying in the Inn with just me and you, I realized I should do something." I raise my hands in the air to stop him.

"I'm not bothered Aaron, I'm scared there is a difference and I will manage with you by my side. However, you don't just realize something one moment and then the other go house searching, what are you searching a house for?" He lowers his head when I ask that.

I take a step forward closer to him when he looks back in my eyes and answers. "For us."



What do you think?
A house for them? Just like that?
Share your thoughts here.

So, how have you been doing?

Me, I have been having such a really, really bad days. I can not help it.
I feel like I need a crush-bearing hug and someone to whisper in my ear that it's going to be okay.

I hope you are doing great,
See you in the next chapter,
Take care of yourselves tigers,

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