THE HEROES FIGHT BACK : Prepare for Battle

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Ko are you there ! "Never better, it's Rko," he says, but then—bam!—shoots the cuffs, not Jack. Jack's gut must be twisting with that eerie feeling of evil close by

There was a henchman who walked in the room and aimed a weapon at rko Jack was planning to prevent any killing to save the henchmen.Rko then starts to use pyrokenisis and lit the area in flames. He then uses laser vision to incinerate the henchmen as left no trace. The remains of minions decide to scatter he chases them and luanched a red destructo disc and it chases and manage to cut them in half. He began launching destruction in the area. Jack don't know what to do.

Jack:stop this madness we need to get out of here!!

Jack: "Hey, stop this madness! We need to get out of here, now!"

Rko with evil grin : "Madness? This is freedom, my friend. Why flee when I can unleash my true power?"

Jack, resolute: "There's a line we shouldn't cross. Whatever you're going through, this destruction isn't the answer."
You think you can convince me oh please

Jack: ", this isn't you! You've got to fight the rage

Rko, smirking: "Fight it? Oh, Jack, you don't get it. This chaos is who I am! Why run when I can watch it all burn?"

Jack, determined: "Because it's not just about you! There's more at stake, and I know there's good in you, Rko. Don't let this be your legacy."

Rko, with a flicker of conflict in his eyes: "Legacy, huh? You always know what to say, Jack. But can you really stop me, or will you just become part of the destruction?"

  Gravitox use times 10-50gravity weighing down The room but Rko was sighing and wasn't even phase . " yawn I'm bored  ." He flew up to him in speed and punched  him in a speed of sound punched him rapidly  in a blink of an eye but each more forceful . Gravitox uses his  force sheild  to get away from his range .
It was Gravitox vs Rko .

Back at Hq
The hq hbo max ship approach the warship in camouflage

Back at Hq The hq hbo max ship approach the warship in camouflage

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. Dexter ready the turrents the heroes .  Filmore and Ingrid calling   In  S.H.E.I.L.D. Vehicles and more weapons .  Mandy launched the red alert to assemble the remaining heroes . 

Finn: "Mandy, Susie, listen up. This smells like a trap. Jack and K.O. aren't here."

Mandy ( sighed ): "What's the play, then?"

Finn: "We go ghost on 'em. Sneak onto the warship, find the teleporter, and zap to where they're holding our guys."

Vambre: "And after we rescue the dynamic duo?"

Finn: "Then we take the fight to Shadowstrike. We can't let those shards fall into the wrong hands."

Adorabat: "Let's do this! For Samurai Jack and K.O.!"

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