Wounds that cut deeper/plan B

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Finn   Felt truamatizd as ferns bad side returns .

Finn   Felt truamatizd  as ferns bad side returns

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Finn: Well find away Juniper well bring you back .

Tetrax, Ravage, Vortex, and the reader watched in dismay as Shadowstrike, carrying Ko within a captive bubble, departed from the scene. However, despite the emotional toll of the battle, our heroes had emerged victorious. Finn, feeling exhausted and wounded, couldn't shake off the sense of defeat that lingered within him. Samurai Jack, though severely injured, managed to rise to his feet after a few agonizing moments of stillness. Determined and resilient, he gathered all the injured members, including Mao Mao, Vambre, Numbuh 1, Tulip, the reprogrammed robot, and the statue of Juniper Lee.

Finn, knowing the weight of their situation, climbed onto Kick's motorcycle, ready to assist in their journey. Riding alongside them, Samurai Jack, suffering from blood loss, shared with Tulip and Finn his knowledge of a hidden resistance hideout. It was a place where hope still burned and where allies awaited their arrival.

As their journey continued, Finn noticed Samurai Jack losing consciousness as a passenger on the back of the dragon. Reacting swiftly, Finn shifted rides, taking over as Jack's helper to ensure his safety. Together, they navigated through the unfamiliar terrain, relying on Finn's instincts and fragmented directions from a barely conscious Samurai Jack.

Suddenly, their attention was drawn towards figures soaring through the sky. Robotboy, Tommy Turnbull, Teenage Buttercup, and Bubbles of the Powerpuff Girls flew into view. Buttercup exclaimed, "Look over there! We found some more help!" Excitement and relief flooded their hearts as they realized that reinforcements had arrived.

Tommy Turnbull signaled for Finn, Tulip, Kick, and Samurai Jack to follow them. With renewed energy and a sense of united purpose, they trailed behind their newfound allies, eager to reach the resistance base that would serve as their sanctuary and headquarters for planning their next moves.

Buttercup skillfully scooped up Samurai Jack, lifting him into the air, surprising Bubbles with her display of strength. "I never understood," Buttercup began, "he looks like the Professor." Bubbles, rather insightful, replied, "You know what? He actually does."

As Finn gazed at the sky, lost in his thoughts, exhaustion eventually overtook him. He closed his eyes and succumbed to unconsciousness, feeling the weight of his injuries. Everything faded to black, and when Finn eventually woke up, he found himself in a room, surrounded by bandages and medical equipment. Concerned, he noticed that Mao Mao and Vambre had also regained consciousness.

Mao Mao groaned, clutching his head, while Vambre questioned their surroundings, "Where did all these bandages come from? Wait, where are we?" Just then, Susie McCallister, a prominent member of the resistance, entered the room. Offering a small smile, she assured them, "Good to see you awake. You're in the resistance base."

Steven Universe approached with a gentle expression. "It's a good thing we found you. We need all the help we can get," he stated earnestly, emphasizing the urgency of their situation and the importance of their presence.

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