Chapter 48: The Strongest Man Appears!

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As a man, receiving such a passionate declaration of war from my rival the baldhead fired me up.

Three days before the next battle event. I decided to prepare as much as I could.

First, guild members. While my guild was severely lacking in members, I wasn’t gonna recruit some randos just to fill up the number.

My guild owned top-quality resources and assets because it had taken over an entire city. Any random painting from the Pope’s castle could be sold for tens of millions of gold. I was sure many would try to join my guild just to steal some valuables.

I didn’t want to stupidly allow any randos in only for them to run away with my money and items right before the event. I got no time to pursue and kill them.

So this time, I decided to make the most of my financial strength to hire the highest-level mercenary NPCs across all cities in the game. It cost me quite a fortune, but their levels and combat skills seemed to be top-notch.

I entrusted the task to Seele and she said, “Most of the mercenary NPCs are evil-dispositioned, and thanks to my ‘King of Evil’ skill, they all agreed to work under us without hesitation.”

She’d also acquired the ‘King of Evil’ skill since she’d rampaged along with me and fulfilled the ‘receiving 10,000 death sentences’ condition. The skill proved to be pretty useful, apparently. Noice.

Well, that was it about member recruitment. If I found trustworthy players down the line, maybe I’d reach out to them.

Moving on, Grimm didn’t have to participate in the battle because she was a craftswoman, so I decided to let her focus on making equipment for Seele and the NPCs. There was a saying that went: The best place to hide a tree was in the forest, so to hide myself, I told her to equip the females with sexy gear.

Hearing my request, she said “Kukuku. I expect no less of you, Demon King! Since days of old, the women of evil organizations have been known to wear risqué black outfits! I am in awe of your breadth of knowledge!” I had high expectations for the skill of this genius sexy equipment craftswoman. But we’re not an evil organization!

And lastly, as for me personally…

“Blowing-you-up-from-the-inside arrows, bang! ‘Arms Barrier’, orraaa! ‘Destructive Frenzied Summon’, oraoraoraoraoraoraoraaa! Dieeeeee!”


In a dark cave, I shot arrows, launched swords and spears with my skill, and summoned 100 familiars with my special art, slaughtering every hostile monster around!

Of course, the defeated monsters all became my familiars thanks to my extremely high Luck.

“Phew… I think I’ve killed hundreds already.” I sat down on a random rock as my body was getting exhausted.

To hunt as many monsters as possible. That was my task as a Summoner.

Up to 9999 monsters could be garrisoned on the guild grounds. With that being the case, all I gotta do was grind exp and tame monsters while I was at it.

Additionally, to further strengthen the monsters I’d tamed, I used my event points to acquire this limited skill.


・Summoner-only Skill ‘Demon Commander’: Familiars that do not participate in battle will also gain experience points from it.


I’d found this skill a few days ago, and I’d fret over whether I should get it or not. After all, you could only learn up to three limited skills, and its effect didn’t directly increase my combat power.

But now that I’d created my own guild, no skill offered better utility than it. Thanks to it, now the more I fought, the more familiars I got and the higher their overall level became.

Moreover, it seemed that NPCs belonging to my guild would level up as I, the guild master, gained experience points. It was precisely the case of killing four birds with one stone. I just gotta put my back into it.

“Okay, time to go back to grinding. I’d like to reach at least level 50 before the event.”

It became difficult to raise my level after reaching level 40, but I made up for it by grinding a lot more.

And so, I was about to head into the high-level dungeon ‘Cave of the Evil God Sect’ when…

“I have finally found you, Demon King Yuri. Would you please do me the honor of dueling with me?”

A heavy male voice resounded from behind me.

In the next moment, I jumped away from my spot, sensing an unpleasant presence approaching suddenly. Then, with a flash, a sword mark was carved into the ground where I was standing a second ago——!

“Hou, you avoided my slash. Well done.”

“…You’re so damn arrogant for someone who just did a surprise attack. Who the hell are you?”

When I turned around, there stood a man in hakama that screamed ‘samurai’.

With a sharp gaze, he answered, “My name is Zansword. I am—the ‘strongest’ player in this world.”


How dare he claims himself the strongest when I’m right in front of him…?!

Hearing the samurai-wannabe bastard’s words, I clenched my bow.

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