Chapter 40: Bulletin board 10 And the Tamed Developer Team...!

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107. A Passing Adventurer

By the way, have you guys made a guild?

My friends and I wanted to make one, but putting the lot aside, even the ‘Guild Establishment Permit’ is too damn expensive…!

108. A Passing Adventurer


Yeah~, about 30 million gold, wasn’t it?

The winners of the last battle event sure had it good~. They all got one for free with no strings attached, right?

109. A Passing Adventurer


Yup, and that’s why it’s best to join the guilds they created for now.

You get in, participate in events and stuff, get stronger, then once you’ve saved up enough money, you quit and create your own guild.

130. A Passing Adventurer


The winners were baldhead, Zansword, Yario, Crutteruo, and Yuri.

Among them, I heard the baldhead, Zansword, Yario, and Crutteruo already have created a guild.

151. A Passing Adventurer


Baldhead: Muscly-Musou short and decisive combat type.

Zansword: High-speed combat type.

Yario: All-rounder type.

Crutteruo: Phantasmagoric surprise attack type.

Yuri: Long-range attack type (but apparently loves fighting with bare hands).

Their combat styles are pretty distinct from each other. With such varying choices, I think each player can find a guild that suits them the most. What do you guys think?

Ahh, I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of guild Yuri will create~.

173. A Passing Adventurer

Hey guys, a new video has been uploaded on Seele’s ‘PK Channel’!

This time… what the hell LOL She’s breaking out of prison with Yuri LOLOLOLOL

176. A Passing Adventurer


Buwahahahahah I’m watching it, but the heck, they’re rampaging by taking advantage of the holes in the system LOLOLOL

Breaking out of prison alongside hundreds of summoner NPCs, this gotta be a different game, ain’t it? LOL

179. A Passing Adventurer


Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?! The Summoners summoned super strong-looking monsters, and they’re sending the guards flying everywhere…!

This is practically the great invasion of the Demon King! What’s Yuri doing seriously LOLOLOLOL

180. A Passing Adventurer


From their conversation, it seems she’s trying to take over the city to make it a base for her guild.

That reminds me, there’s no limit to the size of the lot… W-wait, but it’s impossible to take over the city, isn’t it?

240. A Passing Adventurer

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