Chapter 29: Life-or-Death Battle, Conclusion

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Baldie: “If I win, you accompany me all day long!”

Yuri: “Then if I win, you go along with me instead!”

Tens of thousands of spectators: (((Why are these two making us watch them make a promise to go on a date…?)))


A one-on-one duel between me and the baldhead began amid the burning town.

Running with all our might toward each other, we threw out our fists at the exact same time!

“Fly away, baldhead!”


I won the first clash. On top of ‘God-Slaying Fist’ nullifying all impacts, ‘Demon King’s Surge’ which I’d acquired from slaughtering more than 10,000 players also activated. As if such things as my zero Strength had nothing to do with it, the baldhead got sent flying backward.

He managed to put his feet back on the ground, but he continued to slide back for several meters from the momentum. Then he gave me a wry smile as he opened and clenched his fist.

“Man~~~my fist hurts! Yuri, how the hell did your fist pack so much impact?! You even sent me flying when I have the ‘Power Grappler’ job, you gotta be lyin’ when you said you had zero Strength did you?!”

“It’s the effect of the skill named ‘Demon King’s Surge’ I just acquired. Even though I consider myself something of a hero.”

“Hero my ass, you’re anythin’ but a hero!”

The baldhead charged over again while saying some rude things. An aura began to be emitted from his fists, probably a skill from his Power Grappler job.

Fine, then I’d fight as a Summoner too!

“Come forth, Gobutaro! Urutaro! Chuntaro!”




The three boss monsters appeared from the summoning formations I’d deployed around me.

Extremely evil, jet-black auras surged from their bodies. Evidence of their stats was being buffed by the effect of ‘Demon King’s Kin’.

This should be plenty of a threat to him, but there was more in store!

“Activate arts! ‘Hyper Power Burst’, ‘Hyper Defense Burst’, ‘Hyper Magic Burst’, ‘Hyper Luck Burst’, ‘Hyper Speed ​​Burst’!”


The buffed boss monsters’ stats were all tripled!

They then cried like they all had gone mad. Brandishing their club, fangs, and flame wings, they rushed toward the baldhead simultaneously.

In response to that scene, Navi, the commentator, cried.

[N-no mercyyyyyyyyyyyy?! Demon King Yuri is going to kill the hero who has miraculously survived without any shred of mercy! Waaaah, this person is going to end the eveeeeeent?!]

I’m telling you, I’m not a demon king!

That tiny fairy, I’m gonna grind her with my fingers later, I swore as I turned my eyes toward the baldhead.

He then smiled wryly. “Sheesh. You even tamed boss monsters, I think you really are a demon king, Yuri.

“…fine, I’mma go all out too! I’ll wring out myself till the last drop of blood to defeat youuuuuuu!!!”

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