Chapter 18: Fighting Alongside the Rival!

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“Let’s do this, boys! ‘Power Burst’! ‘Speed Burst’!”

I fired jet-black arrows at the incoming tentacles! Having received my buff, Pontaro and the gang shot off like lasers, piercing through one tentacle after another!

A number of tentacles felled by them, but…


There were still dozens of tentacles left! The relatively new members of the Pontaro Family, from Ponrokuro to Ponjuichiro (6-11), their levels were still a little lacking compared to their older brothers, so the most they could do was stick themselves into the fleshy tentacles, too!

I immediately tried to dodge, but I was too late. Four of the tentacles caught me by coiling themselves around me, then they powerfully constricted my whole body!



‘Guts’ activates! You survive with 1 HP from a fatal wound!

‘Guts’ activates! You survive with 1 HP from a fatal wound!

‘Guts’ activates! You survive with 1 HP from a fatal wound!

‘Guts’ activates! You survive with 1 HP from a fatal wound!

‘Guts’ activates! You survive with 1 HP from a fatal wound!


Miss Message announced ‘Guts’ being activated in my head over and over again! Hold up, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad?!

No matter how high my Luck was, it didn’t guarantee ‘Guts’ to activate always. The activation rate might increase to 99%, but on the off chance that the 1% decided to strike, it would be game over for me!

My white skin began to redden from being constricted as I panicked.


It was at that time. Pontaro and the gang came back to my rescue!

They surrounded the tentacle that was restraining my arm, made a circle, and then started shaving it off like saws! Because they were attacking on their own, they didn’t trigger my damage-increasing skills, but still, they managed to cut off the tentacle in about 10 seconds!

Alright, I can do this! I grabbed Pontaro with my now free hand, then using him like a dagger, I sliced the rest of the tentacles constricting me. Thanks to my numerous damage-increasing skills, I quickly succeeded in freeing myself.


Seeing me free of its hold, the Gigantic Dragon Plant sent its many tentacles shooting toward me again.

But did it really think that the same attack would work on me the second time? I crouched down to touch my boot and gave an order to the ‘Living Armor Knight’ dwelling inside it!

“Maa-kun, activate your ‘Flickering’!”


In the next moment, my body was running like the wind. I dodged past the barrage of tentacles in an instant, took a large distance, and fired my bow!

‘Flickering’ was Living Armor Knight’s skill. It increased the user’s movement speed by 10 times for 5 seconds.

Maybe because his level had been reset, Maa-kun couldn’t use ‘Summon Evil Sword’—the art that allowed him to summon Living Weapons—but this skill alone was more than enough to satisfy me.

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