Chapter 2: The Beautiful Silver-Haired Girl Yuri-chan Makes Her Debut!

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The Beautiful Silver-Haired Girl Yuri-chan Makes Her Debut!]

When the light that filled my vision receded, a view of rows of wooden buildings lining up on stone pavements spread before my eyes.

People equipped with all sorts of gears crowded the street, too. It hit me that I was in a game.

“So this is… ‘Beginning Town’!”

Man~ the latest VR games sure were amazing! Not only the graphics looked realistic, but I could also make out the mix of sounds from the bustling crowd and smell the savory aroma of food from food stalls!

The quality was insane. Just looking around the town may be enough to make you satisfied!

And that’s exactly what I immediately set out to do. But as I was looking here and there curiously, I suddenly heard a voice from behind me.

“He~y, that missy over there! Please wait!”

Huh? Missy? …Not me, I guess.

Thinking that, I ignored the voice, but out of nowhere my shoulder was grabbed! When I turned around in surprise, I found a muscular, swarthy, and baldheaded man looking back at me!

“Eeek, a barbarian?!”

“Who the hell are you callin’ a barbarian! What a rude girl?!”

Mr. Baldhead got mad at me. Wait, did he just call me girl?!

S-speaking of which, my voice came out rather high-pitched there, and I could feel my hair flowing all the way down to my waist… N-no way, could it be?!

“H-hey, Baldhead! What do I look like?!”

“Huh? Well… you look like a silver-haired and scarlet-eyed girl, but why?”

Whaaaaaaat?! I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I am a giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl?!

I rushed towards a nearby fountain and looked into the water and, lo and behold, I found a perfectly beautiful girl—whose only minus point was her pair of dead eyes—staring back at me!! Since she had just started playing the game, she only had a simple black dress, but it looked amazing paired with her silver hair.

When I timidly touched my cheek, the girl reflected on the surface of the water also touched her white cheek…!

“How the fuck did this happeeeeeeeeeeen!?”

“W-what’s up with you all of a sudden?!”

The baldhead jolted in surprise at me screaming in a girl’s voice.


A few minutes later.

“―Gahahahahahahahahaha! So, you chose Random Edit, and now you became an absolutely gorgeous silver-haired and scarlet-eyed girl?! You really are somethin’, Yuri!”

“Something my ass! Dammit, I knew my rotten luck gonna keep haunting me!”

Next to the baldhead laughing like an idiot, I scratched at my beautiful silver hair!

After my earlier outburst, we sat on the edge of the fountain, and then I told him a rough summary of everything that had happened.

…And then came bursts of laughter. The first one was after I told him I escaped to the game because I was fed up with my shit luck in real life, the second one was after I told him I turned into a girl because I chose Random Edit, and the third one, also the biggest and final one, was after I told him I chose Summoner and bow. He’d split his sides laughing.

Damn bastard, do you find others’ misfortunes that funny?! Is that it?!

“Fuck, laughing on top of others’ misfortunes, are we! Setting aside why I started playing the game and how I ended up looking like this, why did you laugh at me for choosing Summoner and bow?! Summoner and bow are the strongest! That’s what’s written on the strategy guide site!”

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