30. Chase

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Dude I just saw, 10K reads!? I'll hopefully update a lot more chapters as a thank you. It's been over a year that I've been writing this story, and I hope to finish it soon, even if I plan to write at most double the amount we have. but the gift might not happen since my grandma died recently and I've been very busy with my personal life. nonetheless, please enjoy the chapter!

TW: None-ish. Only you being weird and the start of the end. you'll figure out what I mean soon.


"Fuck Suna, Why am I still here?"

You muttered to yourself as you stood moodily at Gaaras side, Temari noted that Sasuke was closing in. Bouncing on your heels as you wondered why the four of you had stopped then, she pulled out wire and asked for your talismans, giving a slight grin as she said to 'leave it to her'. so for some dumbass fucking reason you guys waited for her to finish and set off together.

Not much later though, you sensed a presence and moved to go faster, but Temari and Kankuro stopped, forcing you to stop with them as you glanced back to give Sasuke a death glare. 'Seriously... why don't I just take Gaara and fucking run by myself?' you moped as you let Gaara solely lean on Kankuro and scoffed.

"Uchiha Sasuke, I'll give it to you, you're quite fast. But I can advise you here and now to turn back, I can't guarantee what happens next will suit your ego."

A close-eyed smile, filled with sickly sweet kindness crossed your face as you spoke, your eyes most definitely closed to go with the smile and most definitely not because that god-awful haircut was fucking blinding. The Emo brat only continued smirking and you two had a very and maybe subtly gay staring contest before Temari threw three Kunai at him.

"[Y.NAME]! Kankuro! Take Gaara and go quickly!"

Kankuro tried to convince her otherwise, and you only raised an eyebrow but moved to wrap one of Gaaras arms around your shoulder. Giving her a dirty look as she mentioned how he was her type of man 'with that haircut?' before you and Kankuro turned around and fled. behind you, you heard the sound of Temaris' piercing wind and could only hope your dearest cannon fodder- I meant friend would last a while as you sped up as much as possible, earning a grunt from Kankuro who couldn't match your speed.

And because of someone's inferior ass, the Uchiha caught up not too long later. Shuriken hit a few branches near you and you pulled Gaara closer to you, groaning as you two turned to face the emo yet again. seriously, you'd seen his face enough for an entire lifetime. Kankuro let go of Gaara, making it so he fell into your arms and you gave Kankuro a very heartfelt glare as you readjusted your position.

But to your rather slight relief, Temari dropped down next to you guys, though beaten up she seemed capable of movement at least. You suddenly had a horrible feeling as you realised how many people exactly were coming in this direction, one especially close. You hurried their dumb little show of sibling care before pulling Gaara out of Temaris reach, putting him on your back before rushing forward, letting Temari follow as you could finally put some distance.

Of course, though, how could you forget? god hates you. Gaara began to wake and you felt the sand on your wrist get excruciatingly tight, almost as if he was trying to break your arm. You faltered and slowed down a bit as you glanced back at the bright red hair and now open seafoam green eyes. When he spoke, you could practically feel the underlying killing intent.

"Put me down."

Temari instantly stopped beside the two of you, and you let him down with a frown as you took a few steps back Temari took a few forward and instantly went to assist him. your eyes saw the bloody injury once more and a cloud seemed to pass over your eyes as you moved to get closer to him once more, But stopped in your tracks and put even more distance as he fucking pushed Temari into a separate tree.

Turning, you met eyes with Sasuke only to put your head in your hands in a momentary mourning over your sanity before moving over to Temari, not wanting to intrude on their battle or give a lesser fuck either. You just didn't feel like wasting your energy on stopping something inevitable. Temari yelled out about the operation once more, but you placed a hand on your shoulder as you shook your head.

"don't you understand? He can't hear us, or more like he doesn't care what we have to say. We need to stay out of this, that's if you don't want to waste your time and energy."

She looked at you as though she wanted to argue, but Gaara was beginning to lose control and sand began enclosing his body and from past experience, it only meant one thing. You grabbed Temari and created some more distance between you and them, but not enough that they were out of sight. With a sigh, you cocked your head to the side and began to watch.

Shukaku had emerged, not fully but half of Gaara was more or less him. shit. not to mention people, most probably their backups were approaching fast. you bit down on your thumb before sitting down and closing your eyes, getting in a meditative pose as you brainstormed so hard you were on the verge of a migraine.

ignoring the fight, thinking of a way out, what to do with Gaara, many possibilities options and thoughts swirled around your mind as you thought and thought. the backup of Sasuke was going to arrive any minute now and- Your eyes snapped open and you whipped out your baton to intercept the sword centimetres away from Temari, a loud shriek coming from the joining of metal.

It was obvious Temari had been distracted by Gaara and Sasuke to notice the weapon, accompanied by the person wielding it, heading in her direction. Looking up, you raised an eyebrow as you recognised the person as Eirene, the girl you were supposed to fight in the tournament and one of Eros's students.

"Oh? So it's been you following us all along, It's about time you showed yourself."

You said as you let a smirk cross your face, seems like your fun was starting... She only glared at you as she spoke, her words cold and matching her expression.

"I do not care for Konoha, Nor do I wish to meddle in any affairs. I am only here to avenge my teammate for your disgusting bastards actions. this is a personal affair."

Scoffing, you forced her sword back and got to your feet. She jumped to another branch as you leaned your head to the side, analyzing her.

"You're right. a personal affair. then, Why are you dragging a simple bystander into this? Are you going to use the excuse that I'd protect her?"

She brushed down her clothes, a new glint in her eyes as she readjusted the blade within her palm. Straightening her back, she relaxed her body as you both stared at each other. You hadn't seen her fight, you didn't know her techniques or what she specialized in. She on the other hand knew more about you than you did about her, giving her the upper hand... but since she was using a sword, she must be a physical attacker, close range.

"No. a teammate for a teammate, am I not right?"

stretching, you only glanced over at her one more time before you narrowed your eyes and got into a stance, a deep frown matching the grin.

"Don't act like I killed the bastard. if only I did, it wouldn't make much of a difference, come on! let's see which student of Eros truly was worth his time!"



FINALLY. Anyway hi again. I published this on time so I'm kind of proud after being gone so long (for me that is. all of the last three chapters were pre-written as I mentioned). Let's pray I can do the next few on time or early, and Thanks for the 10k reads and all the comments and votes. until the next chapter.


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