09. As a team

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GUESS WHOS FINALLY FUCKING BACK. God this took way longer than it should've. Who else loves pomegranate?. To any who still reads this, I am so proud of you. Here are TW'S, for a self explanatory reason, and thanks again for reading. Also, WE HIT 300 READS, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH.

TW: Slight Homophobia, mentions of self harm.


What was more fun than a lovely Friday morning with no missions and just a lovely relaxing atmosphere? Well definitely not waiting in the harsh heat for your so called "teammates" to show up.

Maybe you should ask for an apology with them on their knees for the blatant torture they were putting you through. 'Bastards. What's so important that those cocksuckers have to make me wait half a fucking hour.' As the moments passed by it was beginning to seem as not a single breeze had ever existed. Honestly, if someone were to tell you that they had never existed and you were just mentally unwell, you would have believed them no questions asked.

"Oh look who decided to finally show up."

Scowling as the trio approached you clicked your tongue. Temari laughed Awkwardly as she hurried her step.

"Sorry. Have you been here a while?"

"That's one big fucking understatement."

She smiled guiltily, Kankuro boredly sat down elsewhere. Your eyes instantly searched for gaara, his eyes were shut showing off the dark rings that surrounded them. 'Is this a bad time to realise he has no eyebrows?.' You continue examining him.

He had the kanji that translated to 'demon who only loves themselves' above his left eye, 'aw, fuck that's bad ass.' His hair was still and messy, sticking out in every direction. It was curly, in the fluffy looking way.

"[Y.NAME] ?"

A surprised yelp came from you as both kankuro and temari gave you weird looks. It had been temari who had poked you, her head was turned to the side but only slightly.

"Yeah?, what do you want?"

Her face instantly contorted in to a scowl as it was clear you had pissed her off. You mentally groaned and took a step back.

"I've been talking to you for the past minute or so!"

"What. Really?"


"Nice to see you're all getting along."

All four of you snapped your heads towards the towering figure of the kazekage. You hadn't seen him since he had introduced you to the others. His face as emotionless as it usually was. There was another adult male with him. He was tall, tan, and had a face full of scars. He also wore some sort of turban around his head.

"As you all may know, you are a team. But every team needs a team leader. This is Baki. He will be your team leader. He will be in charge of your team until you rise to a rank high enough for independence."

You didn't know wether to nod or retaliate, But your over all mood was annoyed. Pissed even. 'Oh great we're officially a fucking team. Now I'm definitely stuck with these dipshits. I'd rather become a jashinist than deal with this bullshit.'

Because you may or may not have tuned out the rest of what the kazekage had said and snuck in some gaara admiring- 'I'm not gay (denial) it's just that this man is quite literally my dream bitch.' And because your dumbass was not paying attention, the kazekage had left and you were stuck with these things.

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