10. Sand

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Finally, Another chapter. Don't have much to say, so. Without anything more, The new chapter.

Tw: Mentions of self harm, Gore


'Just a new experience... you'll live. They're not that annoying, you're not going to go insane..' the thoughts clouded your mind as you glared at the ashes resting in the bed of the campfire.

It hadn't been two days since you had departed from the village and the silence was already killing you. But that wasn't the only thing.

You glanced down at your covered wrists before looking away. You wanted to see blood, the deprivation was ripping you apart.

It was night and the others had retreated into their tents, well except for Gaara, but you had no idea where he was and quite frankly, you didn't give a fuck.

Since you were on guard duty for now, you were forced to stay awake while the others slept.

You would have loved nothing more than to go back into your sleeping bag, and drift off instead of being stuck outdoors with only scorpions as company.

Lying back against the flat sand and and looking up at the night sky, you let out the breeze move around you as you barely relaxed.

Also, you had decided to take Shuns so called advice, and stay away from the jinchuuriki.

It wasn't a big decision considering you never wanted anything to do with the guy anyway.

It's just his hair you cared for, and you didn't need to talk to him to look at his hair. The sand was starting to move with the wind and you heard footsteps.

"Yo, [Y.NAME] let's switch."

Kankuros voice sounded from your left. 'I really am loved by God.' Opening your eyes, And getting up. You gave him a quick nod and brushed the sand off of your robes. He stood silently in front of you, not giving a reaction.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks."

"Ok whatever. Oh and by the way."

He stopped you as he grabbed your shoulder, And you turned to see what he wanted.

"If you're going to take watch, keep your eyes open won't you?"

Shrugging lazily, you gave him a pat on the shoulder and retreated to your tent. You heard him sigh as you zipped the tent door shut.

As you lied down, it was silent around you, except for the blowing winds of the desert, and the occasional quiet clipping of a scorpions pincers

Yet, no matter how exhausted you were, it seemed as though you just wouldn't fall asleep. You quickly realised that you were feeling on edge.

It felt as though... you were being watched?. Or maybe it was just your chappy fucking tent and it's discomfort.

The only reason you had gotten this tent was because it was on half price, otherwise you wouldn't have batted an eye.

The tent was small, the ceiling was so low even crouching wasn't hood enough. It was narrow, and you could barely breath inside it. It just straight up sucked ass.

Though, just incase you got up and looked around. Trying to find a trace of anything. There was nothing. Groaning, you dropped back down into tour sleeping bag and ignored the tricks of your mind until it finally shut off.


Shooting up from the covers, and sweating profusely. You woke up. Panting while wiping some sweat from your brow, You took in your surroundings.

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