08. comrades

242 12 4

So good at updating nowadays aren't I?. Yes, yes. Applaud me. Enjoy ig.


The kazekage emerges once more from the staircase. Your eyes instantly take notice of something else though.

"[Y.NAME]. Here I introduce you to my children, and your teammates."

There was a girl, clearly older than you with sandy blonde hair and a boy with... hol up.

"This is temari my eldest child and only daughter. This is Kankuro my eldest son and middle child."

'... Side eye... SIDE EYE.'  The girl, Temari was it, tool a few steps forward and  held out her hand in greeting.

"Nice to meet you [Y.NAME]"

she said with confidence. you smiled and grabbed at her hand, returning the greeting


You could hear Kankuro's voice coming from somewhere behind you, and the girl pulled away


he said more boredly and casual. your eyes tracked back to the face of the kazekage. 'Why is he introducing me his children?' only just giving Kankuro a little wave in return. Kankuro rolled his eyes

"The reason-"

But he was interrupted by another child coming down the staircase. the atmosphere in the air changed, it seemed as though everything had gone ice cold.

"You're late."

it was the kazekage who had spoken. the boy was your age, most definitely. his facial expression was empty, and quite scary at that. but his hair...

nothing but a spiteful glare was given in the direction of the kazekage from the boy. his eyes slowly moved to focus on you.

unlike his father, his hair was no fading red. it was like the color of fresh blood, or a burning fire. he looked straight at you, his gaze so intense and terrifying. it almost felt like a physical thing. you took a step back, overwhelmed by the intense emotion at the color.

"My youngest son, and the jinchuuriki of the ancient one tails. gaara."

not really paying attention to what he said, your eyes kept to gaara. never wanting to look away. you felt your heart race, and heat rose in your cheeks. 'the color... of blood...'


someone's hand was on your shoulder. it was temari, who was still in front of you. she looked worried now, and there was a touch of anger to her voice. you didn't realize she was speaking until she waved her hands in front of your face

"... Yeah"

you breathed out, trying not to let too much of your thoughts show.


yet again, you looked towards the kazekage. it seemed as though he had a disliking for his youngest. in fact, it seemed as though the other two did as well.

"Oi, kazekage-San. why did you call me here?"

finally having voiced your thoughts out loud, he turned to meet your eyes making full eye contact.

"these three, will be your teammates."

raising your brows in confusion and disbelief your face turned to one of shock.


this is the last thing you expected him to say. but this is... ridiculous! even gaara looked shocked... not really though. he simply looked bored. maybe a little annoyed at the situation.

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