04. First mission

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Enjoy another chapter I pulled out of my ass<3 ☺️☺️☺️


"Haruma Sanada?"

"The shadow of death. An S rank Rogue from the sand. He's quick and quiet, A deadly combination he's been Rogue for over seven years, And his where abouts are still unknown. Anbu have been chasing him for years now, and the ones who have succeeded in tracking him down were killed brutally."

Miyata said. You were being prepared for the mission and doing so you were being talked to by an Anbu member by the name of Shun Miyata. Faded blonde hair, Blue eyes and probably in middle 20s. He was in the same apartment complex as you, And since this complex was directly next to the kazekages very own house. So it was clear he was a very trusted shinobi. Or maybe he was just being kept under close watch, like you.

"The shadow of death?, well that's a boring fucking name. So I'm supposed to kill him and bring his body back as proof? A man who not even high ranking anbu have tracked down?."

"That's what the boss says. Oh! Also do you need any specific items to fight?, even if not its best to use any means to protect yourself. Sanada won't even show mercy to a Child."

"Sounds like a dick."

Miyatas face broke into a soft smile before slowly turning into full on laughter. You couldn't help but cock your head to the side, ok yes you had some good humor. But that wasn't even a joke?, Like it's either he has a shit sense of humor or he was mentaly unwell. And both of those options aren't good ones.

"You're right, He was"

Was all he managed to sputter out through the laughter. 'Oh god I just dissed this guys run away boyfriend.' And an itchy uncomfortableness began to spread through your body as you waited for Miyata to calm down.

"As you can probably tell, I knew the man in person years back. We were both on the same team in the anbu. Hey, I don't meet people often as... eccentric as you are, and it seems as though I've taken a liking towards you. I'll help you on this little expedition because I don't think that you should die just yet."

"Agreed. I have plot armour."

'The more help the better ig?' Miyata look changed to one with a touch of confusion but he grinned it off and edged closer to you.

"Well to start, Sanada is blind in his left eye and deaf in his right ear. These are the closest things to weaknesses he has. He always likes to be random, so always expect the unexpected."

'"Never let them know your next move"'

"How tf do I do that, if I expect the unexpected then doesn't that make it expected?"

Mentally rolling your eyes, Miyata groaned while making eye contact.

"I'm just trying to help. If you don't want it you can just say so 😔"

"An I'm just trying to reason over here. Now carry tf on Miyata."

His face contorted for a moment to an an unknown emotion, before it flashed back to the usual smile.

"Please, don't call me by my last name. Just call me Shun."

"Well you get comfortable quickly. Calm down, At least give it a few minutes."

Awkwardly smiling, Shun scratched his hair.

"Sorry, I just feel weird being called by it. But don't stray too far from the point. Sanada relies on reflex, Not thinking. He's more silent than a mouse too... I can't believe you're actually going to fight him. It's been a while since anyone has been on Sanadas case."

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