24. Paths that cross and constellations that align.

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Another canon chapter for my favourite chapters. This is the fruitiest one so far so Christmas came home early. Shit I just realised I have to do a Christmas special.


Konoha was beautiful at night, though the air breathed undertones of the edging darkness that resided under the moon.

It was quite obviously, night with the moon high enough to determine it was midnight. The futons in the inn were much too flat for you who was used to your comfy and not on the floor bed at home.

Home. Which one to be exact? You weren't really sure. If sunagakure even counted as your home, that is. You missed the snow, it brightened up the city at night and the chill always made you feel alive.

Though, now that you thought of it, you did miss the feeling of warmth. The heat of your home would help keep away the cold and dampness.

You were alone at the moment. You had been boredly training most of the time in-between the final stage and there wasn't much time left— 'thank god' you thought to yourself as you pressed lightly against the area of your shoulder where you knew the fresh cuts resided.

But that wasn't the point of coming out here.  The point was to get some peace and quiet so you could meditate on the situation you found yourself in. In Konoha. Where everything was so different, and it was all still new and strange to you. And the people. There were both shinobi and civilian, but they seemed to blend into the background and disappear once you looked away.

it was nice, You liked it like this, but it was also very disorienting. You had spent so long looking over your shoulder to see if someone was behind you to catch you off guard and hurt you, and it had become almost second nature to watch what you were doing. But here, no one was there.

this feeling of the prickling against your wrist and neck was seriously annoying you as you looked around, even if your emotions seemed stable and intact the feeling wouldn't go away and it was pissing you off.

Maybe you should've gone back to the room or something. No, wait, you were going to need to sleep eventually anyway. It wasn't like you could go to the village center just because you couldn't sleep.

but then you paused.

as you raised your wrist to your eyes, there was sand rubbin itself against it, leaving it before yet again pressing against the flesh. you couldn't really tell but you guessed that it was sort of trying to push you in some direction which could only mean one thing.

"What do you want, Gaara?"

You called out, but the sand only started to move forward in front of you, so you just followed. the journey was quick and soon enough you were back at the inn and on the rooftop where the red haired male was staring emptily at the almost full moon.

He didn't bother turning his head to look at you until you stood right next to him and leaned against the railing. you waited patiently, expecting for him to say something, anything but Gaara continued to stare at the moon as it shone brightly down on the village.

it was awkward. for you, atleast. so you resorted to scratching your wrists until you felt the sand yet again tugging on it causing a smirk to cross your face and a light laugh to leave you as you turned to admire his hair even if he didn't bother to acknowledge your attention.

He looks over at you, noticing the smirk on your face. He looks annoyed, but doesn’t say anything. The sands are moving in his hands, almost as if he’s going to form something out of it. He doesn’t know what you are giggling at him for, but he continues to observe you. He gives you a stern look and is waiting for you to say something…

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