Chapter 11: The Proposal

Start from the beginning

He failed to take his eyes off her face. He even got shocked after seeing his own state. So many beautiful girls will come to his birthday. They all are from from rich families. They know how to do makeup and how to look attractive. Infact he got attracted to some of them but after talking to them he has lost his interest totally. They always pretend in front of him. And he never like pretence. He likes the original always.

He doesn't know why but he followed her. She is walking slowly. He saw her sitting on a slab. He got amused when he saw her shoving the book very carefully in her bag while she has kept the gold coin in the slab carelessly. She is keeping the book so safely like it's made of gold. She stood up and took the coin. She walked out of the college. Ibrahim noticed that she is wearing a worn out sandal.

She came out of the college and the next thing she did made him shocked beyond anything. She gave the coin to a man.

"I don't know how much it will cost...I guess 70k around..."

She mumbled.

"Thanks Tara...I think that will be enough for least for few months we can live peacefully"

The man said while wiping his tears. He is looking very poor from his appearance.

Tara smiled and walked away.

He was stunned!

He was still not believing what he witnessed today.

He stood dumbfounded for few minutes. Only her face was roaming on his mind. His trance broke when his bodyguard called him.

"'s done.."

Ibrahim just nodded his head and walked towards his car.

From that day she took his heart. It was the gesture of her kindness and her simple appearance.

He still remembers how he used to come everyday in college just to see her. He watched her from far. Wherever she goes, he used to follow her. He wanted to know her, he wanted to talk to her.

Within few days he got her every details. With each passing day his madness increased.

Her soft nature, her calm appearance and her innocent face made him restless.

She is not like other girls who talks a lot. She is calm, composed and introvert.

He decided after a week, that he will only marry her. He is in love with this naive girl. Nobody ever attracted him to that extent before. She is pulling him like a magnet towards her and he will have her in any way.


Ibrahim's trance broke when Nidhi held Tara to stand up.

"Take her to the hotel...And give her medicine, my driver will drop you"

Ibrahim said and walked away. His most loyal man Sakeeb was standing near. He instructed him to come.

"Save the tiger...take it to the nearby veterinary clinic and save the tiger...I don't want to hear any bad it?"

Sakeeb was shocked but he didn't say anything.

"We will try sir..."

"No fucking try! You will do it"

"Okay sir"

Sakeeb hurriedly left the place.

Ibrahim ran his finger through his hair and cursed mentally. He can't see her in stress. She is having mental trauma for his act.

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