Part Eleven

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The next day, Eleanor and Gabriela walked in silence to their classes, both eager to get Madam Morrible's class over with and go back to the dorms.

But when they walked into the classroom, they didn't just see Madam Morrible.

"Sweet Oz," Eleanor swore, freezing in her tracks, mouth agape and eyes wide.
Of all people, why him?

Standing proudly next to Madam Morrible was non other than the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. He had a cane in his hand and a large smile on his face, a stark contrast to Horrible Morrible.

"Why, you must be Eleanor!" The Wizard exclaimed happily, quickly making his way over to the green girl, who was still frozen in place, "I must say, I do see the resemblance!"

The Wizard then tried to shake Eleanor's hand, but the green girl flinched away as though he was made of pure water.

He quickly turned to Gabriela, who noticed him looking a bit stung, "My dear Gabriela, it's a pleasure to see you again!"

"What are you doing here?" Gabriela asked, trying very hard to sound polite.

Eleanor was simply staring at the man, hoping he was an illusion caused by stress and a great lack of sleep. The Wizard took note of Eleanor's dismay, seeming to get a bit frazzled.

"I was invited by King Benjamin to assist in the teaching of this class, because-" but he was cut off by Madam Morrible.

"I'm resigning."

Both Eleanor and Gabriela thought hearing this news would be the most exciting thing to happen since they learned more VKs were coming to Auradon, but given the circumstances, it only made them uneasy.

Especially Eleanor, who wasn't enjoying the surprise family reunion.

"Resigning?" Eleanor repeated.

"Yes, my dear; I've realized I have other business I must put all my efforts into achieving." The foul teacher explained, a familiar sinister edge in her voice.

Then, without another word, she left.

As soon as the door closed, the Wizard clapped his hands, "Well then! Let's get to it, shall we?" He asked happily.

To Eleanor's surprise, the Wizard wasn't an awful teacher; the two girls weren't bored to death or given constant misinformation. The Wizard seemed to be taking his job very seriously, and he didn't make them feel unsafe.

Of course, Eleanor was far from trusting him. He couldn't win her over with a silly juggling trick and moderately interesting lecture.

When the class came to an end, Eleanor actually felt like she'd learned something, and Gabriela was excited to attend another lesson.

"Oh, Eleanor," The Wizard called, sounding very unsure of himself.

Eleanor had her hand on the door nob, turning over her shoulder in slight discomfort, "Yes?"

The Wizard then scurried over, barely noticing as he scuffed his shoe.

"How-uh-how are your parents?" He asked hesitantly, fiddling with his cane.

"They're fine," Eleanor answered simply, suddenly a lot more resentful.

Gabriela new the Wizard wanted to ask about Elphaba specifically, but couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Good," The Wizard murmured, casting his gaze downward.

"Can we go?" Eleanor asked, still clutching the door nob.

"Oh, of course! I wouldn't want to keep you longer than what's strictly necessary." The Wizard answered hastily, shifting from one scuffed shoe to another.

Eleanor nodded and opened the door for Gabriela, allowing the blonde to walk out first.
As she followed her friend, she quickly stated, "Thanks for the class," keeping her eyes forward, entirely missing the Wizards light, genuine smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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